Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What do birds and I have in common?

That's right...I'm nesting. Maybe I'm finally settling into my quasi-adult life after being in my house for almost a year. Maybe I'm finally realizing that it's okay to stay in on a Friday night. Maybe it's because of what I got for Christmas: a food processor, knives, colander, mandoline, fireplace tools, stoneware, and more.

All I know is that I love being at home, cleaning, organizing my kitchen and closets, curling up with a book, trying out new recipes, and indulging my new passion--internet scrabble.

Life is good (:


the hemmelmans said...

See birds are so bad :)

Acutally, I was walking past a bunch of nasty black birds today picking stuff out of dirty trash and I thought to my self "I think this is why Steph doesn't like birds"

Miss you friend...can I come see your new house??

the hemmelmans said...

sorry...birds AREN'T so bad