...has passed since I last blogged. I am back...but not for long. Nothing that I say in this post will be very encouraging or upbeat, but I hope to get back into the groove of blogging soon.
And to those of you who are reading this who know what's been going on the past few days, thank you for your incredible patience and listening ears. Thank you for praying for me, telling me that you love me through and through, and that there is better for me on the horizon. Sometimes our choices lead to hurt that seems to come out of nowhere, and it is a harsh reality that we may never get the answers or closure that we need. But the end of the day, I always know that I am loved and that means more to me than any of you truly know.
There is this old Cindy Morgan song (for those of you who used to kick it old school with the CCM) called "How Could I ask for More". These particular lyrics kind of sum up where I'm at right about now...
So if there's anything I've learned From this journey I am on Simple truths will keep you going Simple love will keep you strong Cause there are questions without answers Flames that never die Heartaches we go through are often blessings in disguise I am ready to see what blessings will be revealed....and I am trusting that it will be worth all of the tears :)