Sunday, December 6, 2009

too good not to share

My friend Tara has introduced me to some recipe blogs and I have enjoyed trying out a few recipes. Last week, I couldn't help but make this recipe for Bacon Cheeseburger Chicken. It is delicious, and I'm not even a big fan of bacon. And it's not particularly healthy but sometimes you just don't care about that. The other great thing is that it's easy and only uses a few ingredients. So check out the recipe below..but I also suggest visiting the link to see step-by-step instructions complete with pictures.

Bacon Cheeseburger Chicken

2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp butter
4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts, split
1/4 cup teriyaki sauce
1/2 cup Ranch dressing
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
1/2 lb bacon (or bacon bits)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). In a large skillet, heat oil & butter over medium-high heat. Add chicken breasts, and saute 4 to 5 minutes each side, until lightly browned. Place browned chicken breasts in a 9×13 inch baking dish. Cover with teriyaki sauce and dressing. Sprinkle with cheese and top with bacon bits. Bake for 25 to 35 minutes, or until chicken is no longer pink and juices run clear.

tis the season

I think about blogging a lot. There have been times where putting my thoughts out here has been so freeing. But right now, I just don't have that much to say. But I thought I would ease back into blogging with a list. I love lists, however, they are kind of a cheat when it comes to creating a new entry.

Since it's the Christmas season, here are the top ten things I love about this time of the year:
1. Christmas cookies with Hillary and Melissa. We have done it two
years's hoping it will be a tradition!
2. My Christmas tree. I debated whether or not it was worth it for me to put
it up, but I did and it makes me so happy everyday.
3. Hot chocolate. Enough said.
4. Looking at Christmas lights.
5. My mom's famous "trash" recipe.
6. The feeling of magic, excitement, and giving in the air
7. Cheesy Christmas movies...especially the ones on Lifetime--ha
8. Making homemade Christmas cards and just crafting in general.
9. Seeing my Aunt Gina's Snow Village display. Seriously--it is out of control!
10. Celebrating the gift of Jesus

I will try to get back into the swing of things. Until then...

Sunday, October 18, 2009


My favorite season is slowly arriving. I love everything about this time of year. For the past couple of years, I've hung a little Fall "welcome" sign. Well, I happened to see this site. The yarn wreaths are absolutely adorable. Since I don't have $50 to spend on a fall wreath, I decided to try to make my own. I started it a few weeks ago but just finished it today. And while it's not as cute as the ones at Knock-Knocking, I like it. Here are a couple of pictures....although, I think it may be a little too small for my door. Happy Fall!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

So you might say I'm a little obsessed with saving money...and you'd be right! But I'm convinced that once you really experience the high that coupons can give you, you'll be hooked.
One site I learned about a while back was This is a website where you can buy gift certificates for restaurants at a discounted price. For example, you can get a $25 gift certificate by only paying $10. A lot of the certificates have a minimum that you have to buy and might add gratuity. BUT, it is still a great deal. The other cool thing is that this site is always having promotions so that you can get even more savings. I got a $25 one to Agave for only $1.25. What's the catch? Well, the point of this site is to get you to try new and perhaps obscure restaurants that you may not go to otherwise. You aren't going to find chain restaurants here. And, you can't use it on alcohol in most cases, but other than, it's legit. Melissa and I tried it out this past Friday and rang up quite a bill....we got queso, two orders of fajitas, and sopapillas all for a grand total of about $37. So after the certificate, it was only $12 total. Well, almost...we won't talk about the margaritas that we had... :)
Give it a would make for a cheap date night or a great dinner for 4.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

love this site

Ok...I have blogged before about how I have this identity crisis about not fitting into any category. Just about 95% of my friends are married, mommies, etc. And I still get sent to the kid's table at family functions even though I'm 30, own a house, have a job, etc. Do I sound bitter? Those aren't my intentions...I'm just occasionally frustrated with this extended "season". I am just really interested in things that are not usually associated with single-working adults, but rather mothers of young families. Like couponing and saving money. I get a high every week when I get free stuff at the grocery store, Walgreen's, CVS, etc. One of my problems in this area is organization. Imagine my excitement when I saw this video blog yesterday on how to organize a coupon binder! I love this post:
I also encourage everyone to check out
It's amazing!!! Enjoy.

Monday, September 21, 2009

my next thirty years

Oh, how I loved that Tim Mcgraw song when I was in college and 30 was far off in the distance. I thought it was so clever and witty. Now that I am officially in my 30s, I'm not sure what to make of this new decade. The one thing I am grateful for is that God doesn't allow us to glimpse into our lives 10 years down the road. I am quite certain that my 20 year old self would absolutely freak out if I knew where I would be at 30. And, let's be honest--this was not my first choice. But, it's just fine. I can't help but hold out hope that some of my most exciting life moments are going to happen in the next ten years, and I have to admit that being 30 gives me a sense that I'll be taken a little more seriously :)

One of my goals was to take a picture everyday of my 30th (31st?) year. I bought a camera but I keep forgetting I have it. My family has never been into photographing our lives so I guess that rubbed off on me. I will try to remember that I have the camera and document all of the excitement that this year will hold.

Friday, August 14, 2009

A Must Watch!!

I just found this awesome YouTube video called 'Love Story Meets Viva la Vida'. It is an arrangement of both songs played by two guys on the cello and piano. It is beautiful and I can't stop listening/watching it! I happen to love both of these songs and they go together very well. The pianist and arranger, Jon Schmidt, was inspired to do this because his little girl loves "Love Story" by Taylor Swift.
Anyway, enough of my it for yourself and enjoy!! **be sure to turn off my music player on the side of the page ;)

Friday, August 7, 2009

winding down

Well, it's almost that time. Summer is coming to an end in a few days. In a weird way, I am excited to get back into a routine and have a job to go to each day. For the first time in a while, I am getting to stay in my same subject area and grade level! So, I will hopefully be able to recycle some stuff from last year and not feel like a first year teacher for the 8th year in a row :) But, there will be one slight change...I am now the math department head. Yes, what a nerdy title to hold, however, it should be a nice challenge and there is even a tiny stipend involved. Yea!

Since my last post, a lot has happened. First off, my sweet friend Melissa got married last Saturday. Words cannot describe how breathtaking Melissa looked on hr big day. Her dress was seriously on of the most gorgeous wedding dress I've ever seen. I wish I had a picture but she was a beautiful bride. Next up is Hillary, who I know will be stunning as well!!! I can't wait to see Millary become official ;) **Hillary--you need to start a blog now**

A lot has also happened around my house. It turns out that I did need foundation work. It was pricey. The good news is that the work is guaranteed for a lifetime. Just as I was digesting that, more bad news came in the form of a plumbing leak. Ouch. Thank goodness for savings! It's good to have all that taken care of but I could have easily used that same amount of money to redo my fireplace and my floors. That part stings a little bit. Oh due time. All I know is that I am never leaving my little house because I do not want to inherit the problems of another home :)

This summer has been expensive, but, I will be challenged to really tighten up my budget and reevaluate where my money goes. I think the biggest changes will be with little things and unplanned, though small, purchases. Today I sold some books at Half-Price Books and got $29 for them. I got to clean out some clutter and get paid for it! I think my new thing is going to be to simplify. I don't want to acquire a lot of stuff, but rather, learn to enjoy what I have. I am ready for this challenge and to see how much I can save with some simple lifestyle changes.

Sorry for another rambling post, but that's all I've got right now. Here's to the last days of has been a hard, but good one. Oh, and if you know any kids in my area who need math tutoring, please let me know...I'm looking for a little extra income :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

most boring blog post in history

I am fairly certain that no one will read this all the way through, but I am just writing to make myself feel better.
Summer has been pretty good so far...nothing super-exciting going on. That's allright, though. Things are picking up this weekend with a trip to New Braunfels!! I can't wait (: But, before I get to go have fun, I have a potentially big day ahead of my tomorrow. I noticed some movement in the brick outside my kitchen window last week, so I am having an engineer from the foundation company come out tomorrow morning for a look. Hopefully, it will not be bad news, as foundation repairs are not cheap. Maybe I'll just need mortar for the crack. Then tomorrow afternoon, I have a dentist appointment. I just went in March, but I am on a "special" plan where I have to go 3 times a year b/c my gums have receded a little bit--nice, huh? I think I have a cavity on one of my molars, but maybe it's just a stain. However, now I'm worried that I will need a crown or something b/c that tooth has already been filled. Hopefully that won't be the case. I have been flossing twice a day for the past few months and really taking care of my teeth...maybe it will pay off. It's weird to realize that everything gets older and some things just can't be reversed. I don't like that feeling!!!

So, I am hoping for good news from the engineer and from the dentist. Frankly, I don't want to spend any extra money on any of these things. Sometimes it feels like getting ahead is impossible because of life's little surprises.

But I do have New Braunfels AND a dinner date with Melissa and Hillary tomorrow night, so there is something to look forward to. I will try to be back with some happier, more exciting updates very soon!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hillsong is Coming to Dallas!!!

Well, I have written many, many blogs about my love of Hillsong United. The other day, I was trying to remember my first encounter with Joel Houston, er, I mean, Hillsong United. When I was a junior in college, my roommate Mandy convinced me to try out for Music Ministries. I made it, even though I think about just everyone who tried out did. Anyhoo, that year, we wore the tar out of a song called "Everyday". For those of you ORU alums, you know you can testify that we sang this every chapel. Guess that the director, Arlie Whitlow, took the title of this song literally.
I have been to three Hillsong concerts. The last one was a fun little road trip with Michelle to Houston a couple of years ago. Well, guess what?!?!? They are coming to Dallas on August 25th!!! I am sooo pumped about this!!! The last one was so great so I can't wait to see what's in store in August. And, maybe this will be the time I get to meet Joel (see a couple of posts down for a pic) and he will fall madly in love with me. Haha. Then, I can move to Australia and be much closer to my favorite Australian (by way of Cali), Rebekah :) If you would like to go, let me are on sale July 10th!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Ok....I first heard about this while blog-stalking (come on, you all know you do it!!)
I then learned more about this from the Money Saving Mom and thought that I would give it a try. Well, after just three weeks of using as my search engine, I have earned 50 swagbucks! Now, i can either trade that in for a $5 amazon gift card (or other prizes)or, I can keep saving for something bigger. It really is so easy, so I encourage you to try it. You can usually win between 1-3 a day just for searching! So easy. Anyway, if you sign up use the little banner in the upper right hand corner of my blog and I can earn bucks. Then, you can get people to sign up under you and you'll earn from those people. It's kind of like a pyramid scheme except you don't have to buy anything. Give it a try!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

called out

Well, Michelle called me out yesterday that I had fallen off of the blog wagon. She's right. I have. The other day when I ran, I had so many different blogs in my head. But, they are just not coming to me naturally. I guess I could blog about my summer plans. Or about how I am now less than three months away from a new decade and how I have a list of things I want to accomplish.

So, because I am not in the full blogging mode, I'll cheat with a random list of thoughts and happenings. Hopefully, I'll be back in action soon with some clever stories or deep reflections on life :)

**Hillsong United has a new album. It's good though not my favorite as of yet. But, i always need time for them to grow on me. And I still want to marry Joel Houston.

**I finally got my Etsy store running. It's separate post is coming on that!

**My goal is to workout everyday this summer in some way and to try some new classes at Lifetime.

**I want to do something different to my hair but don't have ideas. I'm in a couple of weddings in the next few months so might need to keep it longer for that. But, I really feel like chopping it off a bit. Suggestions are welcome!!

**I need a camera. Anyone have any ideas on a good, inexpensive digital camera?

**I finally have a weed eater so I can stop avoiding my neighbors! Yardwork is not one of my favorite pastimes, but I can't justify paying someone for it.

**I'm excited to see "My Sister's Keeper". My mom just finished the book so I am hoping we can have a little date when it comes out. If you haven't read it, you should. So good!!

**"Saved by the Bell" comes on TBS in the mornings! The other day I caught two classic episodes: The one where Jessie gets hooked on "Uppers" and the one where Mr. Belding's brother comes into town to take over the school trip. Love that show!

**And finally, my little heart is on the mend. What a hard lesson this has all been, but good is coming from it. Maybe I can't see the big picture now, but I will. And I will be glad to look back one day and realize that God's plans are far better and bigger than mine.

Oh, one more thing...
I read Psalm 105 from the Message today and was encouraged particularly by this one verse: "Keep your eyes open for God, watch for his works; be alert for signs of his presence." I really like this and hope you do too!

I can't think of anything else right now...but don't give up on me ;)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

stay tuned....

In a week or so, I hope to debut some of my little products that are ready to be ordered! I just finished an apron order and now I have some free time to work on my applique stuff. Today, I found some great new fabrics and am ready to play with them. Still working on a name for the business...thoughts??? Just to remind you, here are two designs you can request. You can get them on tshirts, onesies, burpcloths, canvas tote bags, etc. The possibilities are endless!! I also have boy stuff but need to get some pictures :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

one month....

...has passed since I last blogged. I am back...but not for long. Nothing that I say in this post will be very encouraging or upbeat, but I hope to get back into the groove of blogging soon.

And to those of you who are reading this who know what's been going on the past few days, thank you for your incredible patience and listening ears. Thank you for praying for me, telling me that you love me through and through, and that there is better for me on the horizon. Sometimes our choices lead to hurt that seems to come out of nowhere, and it is a harsh reality that we may never get the answers or closure that we need. But the end of the day, I always know that I am loved and that means more to me than any of you truly know.

There is this old Cindy Morgan song (for those of you who used to kick it old school with the CCM) called "How Could I ask for More". These particular lyrics kind of sum up where I'm at right about now...
So if there's anything I've learned
From this journey I am on
Simple truths will keep you going
Simple love will keep you strong
Cause there are questions without answers
Flames that never die
Heartaches we go through are often blessings in disguise

I am ready to see what blessings will be revealed....and I am trusting that it will be worth all of the tears :)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

comfort food

Last week, The Pioneer Woman posted a macaroni and cheese recipe on her cooking blog. It looked delicious. And I followed the directions perfectly. Apparently, I am not adept at making a roux because the texture of my cheese changed upon baking and curdled.
So because I had not mastered the Mac 'N Cheese, I embarked on a quest to find a delicious, homemade recipe that did not require a roux. After much research online, consultations with friends (thanks Carrie!), I finally found a recipe that seemed to fit my requirements. It was delicious and as many of the reviewers state, it is just as easy as making the Kraft version.

Give it a won't be sorry. I followed this recipe exactly as-is except that I used 5 oz sharp white cheddar and 5 oz of Extra Sharp cheddar. If you don't like sharp cheese, then I am sure it would work well with mild cheddar.

Stove Top Mac-n-Cheese by Alton Brown


* 1/2 pound elbow macaroni
* 4 tablespoons butter
* 2 eggs
* 6 ounces evaporated milk
* 1/2 teaspoon hot sauce
* 1 teaspoon kosher salt
* Fresh black pepper
* 3/4 teaspoon dry mustard
* 10 ounces sharp cheddar, shredded


In a large pot of boiling, salted water cook the pasta to al dente and drain. Return to the pot and melt in the butter. Toss to coat.

Whisk together the eggs, milk, hot sauce, salt, pepper, and mustard. Stir into the pasta and add the cheese. Over low heat continue to stir for 3 minutes or until creamy.

Monday, April 27, 2009

i have a crush...

...on Tony from "Dancing With the Stars".
I just think that he is so cute and fun. I know that he is married with children but he is still fun to watch on the show. He seems like such a great guy!!

I don't have a ton to say but there is a lot on my mind. Tomorrow is TAKS day. So that means that everything I've done this year will be judged on April 28th, 2009. Kind of sucks, but I hope that my kids pull through and do something incredible. Here's hoping.....

Today was pretty great. I got up to work out, went to school and taught, came home, finished two aprons, mowed the lawn, made a dinner, and am now just relaxing and watching some DWTS. My favorite night, however, is Tuesday because I'm really getting into "American Idol". I love Danny but he needs to step it up. I think that Adam will win and it would be well-deserved. We shall see...

Allright. Oh, I almost forgot...I planted 20 nandinas this weekend. My poor little flower bed has been neglected for the past 2 years so it was time. If you have any gardening advice, please let me know! My parents don't have the greenest of thumbs so I'm sure I'm doomed to kill everything. But I would really like these plants to thrive ;)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'm so deep

Yes, I know my latest posts have been full of sage wisdom and insight-ha. Today is not different.
While talking to my bestie, Rebekah, I made a comment about how I thought my eyebrows were sparse and thinning out. I have never been an over-plucker. I just clean up a few strays here and there. Lately, I have noticed that the maintenance on the brows has been less and less. This is great for saving time, but bad if I am, in fact, losing my eyebrows! I refuse to be one of those ladies who draws their eyebrows on with a pencil.
So, I did some research and found that a lot of people had favorable things to say about the Bare Essentials Brow Kit. Off to Sephora I went after work on Monday. The kit was a little pricey, but, I must say I am pleased with the results. It's just a powder that you apply with a brush and it also comes with a clear gel to "set" everything. It's fantastic! I have decided that any problem I have can be solved somehow, someway. This is just another example of that. :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Two more name ideas

As I strolled through Target after school today, I was inspired by some produce. Instead of desserts laden with sugar, how about something a bit fresher? So here are two more ideas....

**Pineapple Punch
**Tangerine Lime

For these, I could use a little lime or pineapple emblem that could be my "trademark".

Maybe I should put up one of those fun little polls...hmm....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter hodge podge

Happy Easter everyone! The weather was yucky for the majority of the day, but the sun is shining again and it's so nice out. I love Easter because of what Jesus did for you and me, not to mention all the great candy ;)

Ok. On Thursday night, Melissa and Mack came over. Melissa learned the blanket stitch and helped monogram some aprons. She did great! Mack was working on her wedding book and we all had a great time catching up. One of the things we chatted about was a name for my little Etsy store that I want to start soon. They came up with 'Stitch', which I loved. However, after looking on Etsy and googling the name, it was very popular. So, it's back to the drawing board. Everything I think of seems to be taken already. I get excited and think of something I think is so creative, but then feel stupid because it's been taken already. My favorite was Cotton Candy.
Anyway, here are some things I've thought of that have passed the no-one-else-has-claimed-it test. My goal is to come up with something whimsical or something kind of retro, fresh and fun...hence the food references. I also wanted them to be able to be suitable for both genders. These might be stupid, but I'm brainstorming here. Please let me know what you think!!!

**Red Velvet Designs
**Cherry Cola Designs
**By a Thread
**Apple Pie Designs
**Caramel Apple Designs
**Angel Food Designs
**Sugar Cookie Designs
**stitches and cake (this is a play on a song from "P.S. I love you" called 'Kisses
and cake'...not that anyone will know that)

Feedback is welcome!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009


Rarely am I on the front end of a trend. However, I can finally say that I was onto something before it really took off!
A couple of years ago, I came across some information about TOMS Shoes. I knew of Blake Mycoskie's family because he is from Arlington and his mom actually wrote a cookbook about fat-free cooking that my mom bought (I was obsessed with it for a while in HS). Also, his sister is my age and went to my rival junior high and we had some mutual friends back in the day. You may have seen Blake and his sister Paige on the "Amazing Race" about 7 years ago. Anyway, I loved the idea of buying a pair of shoes and then some impoverished kiddo in another country getting a pair for free. What a great idea. Shoes are something that we all probably take for granted. So, about this time 2 years ago, I bought a pair of pink and navy TOMS. I haven't really seen many people wearing them at all, but last week, one of my students wore two different pairs. Yesterday, I saw a wireless phone commercial featuring Blake talking about his business. And today in the Walmart parking lot, there was a van covered in TOMS pictures. I guess the word has gotten out!
On April 16th, TOMS is sponsoring "One Day Without Shoes". I am not sure how much I can participate in this, but it's a great idea.
I can vouch for the comfort of TOMS personally...they are so soft and comfy. When I wear them, I get asked if they are house slippers--ha. This is the pair that I want to save up cute and fun!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

things I'm loving this week

Hello there,
I thought I needed to put something else up so that my excited toilet paper purchase would be moved down the list :)

Here are some random things that are bringing joy to my life this week...

1. Coffee with Hillary and Melissa.
I just love these girls and our times together. Their weddings are motivating me to get my arms toned up! ha

2. My bedroom
I found some new bedding over spring break and have moved the bed, gotten some new shears, and put some frames up on the wall. It is slowly becoming a place I enjoy, while previously it was my least favorite room in the house.

3. American Idol
What can I say, it's a guilty pleasure. I really like Danny Gokey and Allison. Adam is growing on me. **This just in--Scott got moved to the bottom 3. I feel sorry for him but he needs to go**

4. Morning workouts
I have a new early morning workout buddy, Kristen. It helps me to get up in the mornings when I know that someone is counting on me to be there.

5. Good Friday
So excited for a day off. It would have been nice to have Monday, but it's all good. I'll take what I can get!

6. Tom Thumb pizza
On Friday, I bought a pizza at Tom Thumb for $5 Fridays. I made it Friday and have had it for dinner for five nights total. What a deal, and it tastes great!!

8. DRESSES!!!!
Last summer, I fell in love with dresses. They are so comfy and make you feel just a tad dressed-up. I can throw my hair in a ponytail and be on my way. The best part is, I still look somewhat put together. I haven't donned a pair of shorts since college except for work out purposes. The discovery of cellulite in the summer of 2000 scarred me forever (I can remember the exact day when I noticed it in Vicksburg, MS--haha). Anyway, check out Ross and TJ Max for great deals. Dresses can be found for $15 or less and they are an entire outfit!! Oh, and I got a nicer one at Stein Mart that I wore today. I got a ton of comments on it so you might want to try that Boutique section of Stein can find some cute stuff at great prices!

9. Google Reader
Melissa told me about this Monday and it's awesome. Now I can check my blogs at work without having to click all over the place....just in case Big Brother is watching ;)

10. Laser Hair Removal
Some girls from work and I signed up for this a couple of weeks ago. It's my 30th birthday gift to myself. Anyway, if you want to know more specifics as to what I'm doing, let me know! I'm doing it with American Laser and they have a great referral program so sign up!!! I had my first treatment today and it wasn't bad at all.

That's all I've got for now! Hopefully I'll have something more fun to post about later.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

can i get a witness????

I just want to testify to this coupon thing. Today, I registered at a few different sites. One of them was Cellfire. It lets you download coupons to your Kroger Plus card. Then, I printed out this coupon which was for $0.50 off. AND, it was doubled at Kroger. I wanted to try this whole thing out just to test it. So, I ended up getting a $1.19 4-pack of toilet paper for free! And actually, I made $0.06 on it :)
How fantastic is this going to be?!?!? I just love a challenge. And I can't wait to get going on other money saving things...especially the CVS Extra Care Bucks. Call me a nerd, but these things make me excited.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

$$$ saving money $$$

Ok. I am still watching "Idol" and watching Megan Joy do her little farewell song. Does she has the most awkward stage movements or is it just me????

My friend (and former roommate) Claire introduced me to this blog. Our home group even did one of her Bible studies. Anyway, I don't check it all that often but today I saw this post and thought it was good for my friends who have families. I have heard of the grocery game and have even done the trial month before, but, it's hard for me to do it just for myself. But there are a lot of other great links on here about coupons, how to get free stuff, and how to even MAKE money at the store. So, here you sounds like it make take a few minutes to register on sites and to get the hang of it, but it seems like it could result in amazing savings!!!

funky funky

Not much is going on. I'm kind of having a blah week and am in a I don't want to bring everyone down with a "Debbie Downer" post. School has been challenging and I am really starting to get nervous about TAKS. I was so frustrated today that I started to cry in my 2nd period class because they were not getting the lesson any way that I presented it. Anyway, days like this make me really think about my job and whether or not I'm in the right career. Who knows....
To my friends who have endured me these past few weeks/months, thank you for your patience with me. I hope to be back soon :)

Anyway, the best way to get out of a pity-party is to count your blessings. Here are a few...

1. My brother, Matthew
He has been back in town for a couple of weeks. When I came home last Wednesday, my lawn was mowed, edged, and weed-eated (not sure if that's a word--ha). What a
great surprise! Then today when I got home, I saw his truck in front of my house
and he was working on both of my toilets. One has been running incessantly and
the other's tank hasn't been filling up. But now they both work--wahoo!!!! He has always been a great brother but this was just too much!! I will miss him when he moves to Idaho to work with YWAM :(

2. My job
Even though it has sucked big-time these past couple of weeks, I am grateful to have one in this economy.

3. Marco
The little guy is a pain in my rear sometimes, but he has been extra-cuddly and I love it!

4. spring days
I absolutely love the beautiful spring days we've had off-and-on. It's hard to be in a bad mood when the weather is nice.

5. my sight
I am watching the "Idol" results show and just feel so blessed for my vision whenever I see Scott. He has such a great attitude despite never having been able to see. It kind of puts things in perspective. I am sure he'd give anything to have sight and it's soething I take for granted daily (even though I might actually be legally blind-ha)

I am ready for this week to end and for a better one to come soon :)


Monday, March 16, 2009

the best day of my life

Today I kicked off the first official day of Spring Break by going to the dentist. Yea me. I got a lecture on my lack of regular flossing (apparently 3-4 times a week is not enough). Then, the really cute (but of course, married) dentist who was filling in for my usual one found two cavities. He told that soft drinks were probably the culprit. Thank you Dr. Bishop for trying to take away one of the simple joys in my life. (p.s. I found it highly ironic that one my pastors posted a blog on cavities today-check it out here)

While the hygienist went to town on my gums, I tried to focus my attention elsewhere since the word "gentle" apparently wasn't in her vocabulary. The term "dentist office music" wasn't coined for nothin'. The songs were horrible. And then came Dido. There is only one of her songs that I can tolerate and it's only because it's in one of my favorite movies, "Love Actually". This was not the song playing, but rather, it was the one about "I want to thank you for giving me the best day-ay of my life.". So, I started thinking about what would make up my "best day". I decided that Tuesday March 17, 2009 would be a Best Day for Stephanie Shuler.

Here's what I plan on doing so far:
1. An early morning run
2. A bubble bath
3. A spa pedicure
4. Coffee/journaling/reading at a random coffee house (TBD)
5. Laying out and catching some sun and possibly taking a nap in the process
6. Eating whatever the heck I want for dinner without concern for caloric intake
7. who knows what else?!!?!

It probably won't be the best day of my life, but it should be pretty good.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

desert song

This song pretty much sums up where I'm at right now. I have had this album for a while but this particular track has been on repeat for the past few days. Just when I think I can't love Hillsong anymore, they create something else that encourages me beyond belief. It also features Brooke Fraser and you know how much I love love love her (:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Let's go, GNO!

Anyone who teaches middle school or has been around kids in general is singing a Miley Cyrus song after reading my title ;)

Last Thursday, Tara organized a fun night for us girls at 'Color Me Mine'. It's such a fun place. You get to pick out a pottery piece and then paint it, put designs on it, etc. Thursday night is 'Ladie's Night' which means that ladies get 50% off studio fees and it's for all! All of us made mugs except for Rachel. She was brave and branched out to do a little plate. Here are some pictures of the befores:

Tomorrow, I will post pictures of what they look like after the glaze process AND after being in the kiln. Ashley, the girl who worked at CMM, assured us that they would be darker when they were done...and she was right! I picked them up today and they all look great. But, since I don't have a camera, I will have to rely on someone to document the reveal of the final products. For a more detailed account of our evening, check out Tara's blog!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

sneak peek of my future etsy store inventory

Ok. Here are some of the onesies that I have been making. Any of these appliques can be put on onesies, tshirts, dishtowels, burpcloths, canvas bags, etc. They are fused onto the fabric and then handstitched to ensure that the applique is secure. Click on the pictures for more details! Anywhoo, these are some of the things I want to sell in my Etsy store. I have a whole list of other designs, in addition to monograms (thanks Mel!). Maybe these photos will help inspire y'all to help with a business name ;)

A Pear

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

the name game

Hello again! Wow...two posts in one day. What a treat for my readers {insert sarcasm here}.

Anyway, I am making some aprons for Melissa and she thinks I need a designer name. Since I plan on starting an Etsy store in the next few months, a cute & catchy name would be great. So, shoot me some suggestions please (: Oh, and if you want to include my name in there, we decided that steph was catchier than stephanie.... :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

7 things do to before I turn 30

One of my friends and former roommates, Claire, told me about this list she had made with 30 things to accomplish before she turns 30. When Claire told me about this, she was 23. I was 28. Darn it. I loved the idea but felt like it was too late to make a list of 30 things with less than two years to do it. Fast forward about 18 months. 30 is almost a mere six months away. Whoa. It's definitely not happening now.

Well, I was watching a Lifetime movie (shocking, I know) a couple of weeks ago called "7 Things to do Before I Turn 30". Now, the girl had made the list when she was in high school, but I thought that I could adapt it so that I could list 7 specific things to achieve in the next six months.

Here's the List:

1. Start an Etsy store. I would love to figure out a way to combine my new love of sewing and crafts with a way to make some extra money.

2. Learn how to serve a tennis ball. I took lessons for a few years but I've always had trouble serving. I am going to take some lessons and maybe even join a league or something. Tennis was such a fun part of my childhood and I didn't realize the other day how much I missed it!!

3. Take the GRE and start applying to grad school.

4. Run a 5k in 24 minutes or less.

5. Skydive.

6. Finally redo my fireplace!!!

7. Purchase a Roth IRA

I am bound and determined to cross all of these off of the list by Sept. 12 (:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

thankful thursday

I thought I would revive this tradition again, just for today. The best way to get out of a funk is to focus on all of your blessings. So here goes....

1. My little (not so little...he just turned 27!) brother, Matthew, is back safely from India. He will be in Dallas this Monday for about two weeks. My goal is to get him some dates...any takers ladies????

2. I have great people to work with. Honestly, I don't always enjoy teaching, but I am so thankful for wonderful colleagues who are great friends. That keeps me going each day.

3. Curly hair. Once again, I am reminded of how nice it is that I can just put some product in my hair and go to work while it dries. It may not always look great, but it is fine for work and that allows me some extra sleep. And that is always a good thing (:

4. Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!! I am so pumped for the weekend!! Nothing particularly exciting is happening, but I just need some time to rest. I'm looking forward to sewing a few test products for my future Etsy store. Good times!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Is anyone watching "The Bachelor" this season? I shamefully admit that I have been sucked into this particular dark, dysfunctional, unrealistic-reality show. I actually care who stupid Jason chooses to be his wife in the "Most dramatic rose ceremony in 'Bachelor' history!" But friends, that is not why I need your help.

I am in a rut. A funk. Call it what you will, but I need to get out of it and start having some fun!!!

The reason I started this blog with a reference to the most ridiculous reality show ever was because last night, Jason 'The Bachelor' got rid of Jillian. I grew to like Jillian because I thought she was a fun girl who knew how to have fun while waiting for the next phase in your life. Additionally, the name 'Jillian' is on my girl-baby-name list(: But I digress. I basically need some ideas for fun things to do that will get me out of the house and allow me to meet some new people...and perhaps a new gentleman caller--haha. Sorry, I love Jane Austen so I had to work that term in there. But seriously, if I want to be living it up while I have the chance!!

My hobbies currently consist of running, sewing, reading, crafting, watching "Reba" (shout out to Tara and Claire), cooking, sleeping, and eating. If you notice the list, it is difficult to work these into social events outside of the 60-80 year old woman circle. When I was growing up, my main interests were sports. I tried the co-ed flag football league and the co-ed basketball league last year and had an okay time. I guess I need some new grown-up interests. It's difficult to get plugged in at church ever since my small group parted ways, but I don't think a new church is the answer (although I daydream about Sunday School classes and a Singles' ministry). My job is kind of limiting as far as meeting new people.

I hope this blog doesn't come across as desperate...because I'm not. But I just need to tap into some other minds because the creative ideas are eluding me. I'm open for suggestions and trying new things. I've thought of helping with Habitat for Humanity, Special Olympics and things like that. Has anyone had experiences with those?

I would love to have some fun adventures to enrich my life. Any ideas are most welcome (:

Sunday, February 8, 2009

jumping on the bandwagon

You've seen this all over Facebook, but I thought I would just do it on my blog. This way, I don't have to tag anyone. Pretty sure everyone has personally been tagged about 15 times each. So, Hillary, since you were the first one to tag me, this is for you!

1. I love, tea, diet drinks, etc.
2. I probably cried about my super-curly hair daily from the age of 13-17. Not
even exaggerating there. Now, I sometimes cry about it for other reasons...
3. I don't think I come across as very maternal or nurturing, but all I want to be in life is a wife and mommy.
4. I love to watch cheesy Lifetime movies while working on other stuff around the house. Shoot, I love to watch just about anything on Lifetime...esp. 'Reba'.
5. I have always had three or four really close friends through most stages of my life. My theory is quality over quantity, which means I've never been popular.
6. I have a crazy memory for trivial things. My dream is to be on Jeopardy one day so I don't feel like reading all of those History books and 'People' magazines wasn't done in vain. I also remember people's names, where I met them, where I was when certain conversations were had, etc. It's borderline stalker-ish. It also makes me frustrated when people don't remember meeting me.
7. I was obsessed with Pete Sampras for about 8 years. I would hang his "Got Milk" ads in my locker at school, in my room at home and other places. I would watch him play tennis whenever I got the chance. I even wrote him a couple of letters when I was in 8th grade.
8. If i eat a bagel, I have to peel the outside 'crust' layer off first. Weird.
9. I played the violin for 5 years and took piano lessons for 6. I regret quitting both of those.
10. I have run a marathon and 5 half-marathons.
11. If I can't check my email several times a day I start to feel cut off from the world. Usually, I have nothing interesting in my inbox.
12. I want to live in the mountains someday.
13. I would like to have 3-4 kids.
14. I love cottage cheese and could eat it at least twice a day.
15. As much as I love cottage cheese and dairy, I am really interested in the vegan lifestyle.
16. My parents threw me a "Double-Dare" themed birthday party for my ninth b-day, complete with physical challenges and an obstacle course. It was AWESOME!!
17. I get uncomfortable when people ask me where I went to college.
18. My favorite movie is "Meet Joe Black".
19. I could read books when I was 4. Thanks, Mom!
20. I've never liked dolls or girly things, however, my bedroom growing up was full of Madame Alexander dolls and handmade porcelain ones that my grandmother made.
21. I need a lot of alone time or I start to feel stifled. It would be easy for me to become a hermit.
22. I've worked at Putt-Putt, Target, Cheddar's and a whitewater rafting shop. If I could make a living working at Rapid Transit Rafting, then I would do it in a heartbeat.
23. I hate looking in mirrors and avoid them after I have gotten ready for the day.
24. I like to drive a stick and don't enjoy automatic transmissions because my right hand doesn't know what to do.
25. I was also the antithesis of a procrastinator until a few years ago. I was the girl who would be done with her term papers at the end of the first week of each semester. Something has seriously changed, though. I don't like it....makes me feel out of control.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

i'm just a little creeped out... this:

If you are interested in purchasing a pair of these earrings and learning more about them, then visit here. Sure, I get the irony of it all, but I still find them a tiny bit disturbing.

Monday, February 2, 2009

it's a right-handed world

I have been working on some new crafts lately. One of the things I've been playing around with are little appliques. Tonight, I applied one of my creations to a onesie. To secure the applique, I attempted to do a blanket stitch. It gives it a more handmade look than the sewing machine and I like it. So, I watched a tutorial online to learn how to do this stitch. I watched, and I practiced. The stitch is supposed to look like an 'L'. Mine were not turning out so well. I watched the video again. And again. Then I practiced some more. Then I failed again.
Frustrated, I walked away from the project for a couple of hours. After getting tired of watching the ridiculousness that is "The Bachelor", I decided to turn off the TV and watch the video just one more time. As I watched, I realized that the lady demonstrating the stitch was right handed. Eureka! As a lefty, I as doing the stitch the same way but not getting the same effect because I was coming at it from the wrong direction. So, I tried doing the stitch just like the lady but in reverse and it worked...Hooray!!! Most of the time I love being left-handed. It is one of those things that makes you different from most of the population but without it being something weird like an eleventh toe. But, this little experience reminded me of some painful kindergarten memories. We only had right-handed scissors in that class so my cutting and pasting was always a little sub-par which drove me crazy. I am sure a counselor would pinpoint this moment as the beginning of my perfectionist personality--haha.

But I digress...

I'll try to get a picture of this project. Crafts and sewing have been such a release for me lately. I love love love creating stuff. Ultimately, I would love to figure out a way to parlay this into a side-job. There are a ton of Etsy shops out there, so I would need something really unique and special. Anyone have any ideas or want to go into business with me????

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Aprons, aprons, and more aprons!!

Hello friends! Yes, it's 11 pm on Saturday night and I am home blogging. Fear not--I am not becoming an agoraphobic spinster. Although, Paula Deen was agoraphobic for several years and she turned out okay. But I digress....I do have social plans tomorrow afternoon--a movie and dinner--with a boy. So there *grin*
I spent a good chunk of the day making aprons!!! I just love them. And I find sewing and the act of creating something practical so therapeutic. Here is a picture of my very first apron, modeled by the lovely Melissa:

Today, I found this super-cute Amy Butler fabric at a store in Lewisville.
I couldn't believe it--it is perfect for that 'vintage' look! I ended up making an apron out of it and I think I'll keep it for myself (: BUT, I made two more that were also cute so maybe I'll have a giveaway soon.

That's all for today. "Beauty Shop" just came on E! so I might just watch that for a while. I love that Queen Latifah and how she rocks her plus-size body with confidence!!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

no picture yet....

...but I finished my first sewing project: an apron!!!!
Yes, it's true! I really made an apron on my little sewing machine. My mom spent most of last Friday with me and we played around and I watched her make a practice one. It was a fun time with her, but I was a little discouraged and thought that I could never do it. Well, I tried it on Monday and I guess the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. helped me along. I am kidding about MLK, but it did turn out better than I had hoped it would. It has mistakes, I'm sure. However, I am hoping that Melissa (the recipient of the apron) will not inspect it too closely (:
Anyway, we took some pictures last night of Melissa modeling her apron so I'll gladly share those as soon as I get them. I am loving to (ha) let me know if you'd like to get on the apron list since that's pretty much all I can do right now!

Monday, January 19, 2009


I am really motivated right now to de-clutter every area of my life. So, I am making some changes and please feel free to ask me how the process is going at any time to hold me accountable. I will need it (: So...I am making some specific goals and breaking them into categories.

Here are my financial goals:
I have always been pretty good with money. Perhaps that is because I grew up with a banker/CPA dad who led by example on how to save and be wise with finances. Lately, I feel like I've kind of been nickel-and-dime-ing a little too much. Those little purchases add up. I want to be fully aware of where my money is going and exactly how much I'm spending each week.

**No more new clothes purchases for the next 2 months. I will mix and match what I already
have and use some creativity with accessories.

**Eat at home except for maybe one meal out per week. I have been getting in a bad habit of
grabbing something at the last minute for dinner. A little forethought will keep this from remembering to thaw out some chicken before I leave for work.

**Cash budget. Each week I'll get out a certain amount of money and once that is gone, it's
gone and I'm done spending.

**Use what I have already have. I have a TON of Bath and Body lotions, bath gels, sprays,
etc. I also have a lot of makeup that I need to use up (with the exception of my Bare
Escentuals--I have to replace that!). But, each Christmas my om buys me this little makeup
kit thing from Ulta with so many little eyeshadows and such. I could use these for probably
2 years without having to buy new makeup.

Personal Growth Goals
**Workout at least 5 days a week
**Eat healthy 80% of the time but allow for a few guilt-free splurges
**Train for another half-marathon and maybe shoot to do another full
**Spend less time on the computer or watching tv
**Get better at sewing
**keep a personal journal
**Write more handwritten letters
**Stay organized and know where everything is at all times
**Have more consistent quiet times
**Become more assertive and not care what other people think of me
**Get married (haha)

That's all I can think of now...I hope to look back on this in a year and see that I followed through on some of these things. I guess the title of "simplify" only really applies to the financial goals, but my hope is that I will slow down and take time to enjoy the people and things that are already around me.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

a little bit of this...a little bit of that

Yesterday was such a fun day. We didn't have to go to school, so that was the best part! Who would have thought that I would need another break so soon after Christmas? Well, I did (:

I popped right out of bed at 6 on my very own. As much as I wanted to stay in bed, I couldn't get back to sleep. So I worked out, got ready, and started out the day by running some errands. Most of the errands that I had to run were returning items. I HATE to return stuff. Mostly because the sales people kind of suspect that you have been less than honest about why you're returning things. As much as I hate returning things, I hate trying things on even more. Hence, the need to return.

Then I headed over to my mom's and we had a sewing day. ell, I basically just watched her teach me some basics about cutting out patterns, pinning, stitching, etc. It was a fun time with my mom. I do feel badly that I am just now becoming the little girl that she probably always wanted. I was a tomboy through and through and wanted nothing to do with dolls, crafts, sewing, etc. No that I'm almost 30, I am interested in this stuff!! Sorry Mom!

While I was with my mom, my dad called and wanted to take us out to dinner. Yesterday would have been my grandmother's 78th birthday and this is the first birthday since she passed away. So, we tried out a new restaurant in Flo Mo called Agave. It is owned by Tony Casillas, who some of you may remember from the Cowboys' glory days when they would win Super Bowls and stuff. The funniest moment of the night was while we were waiting, my mom and I walked over to Hobby Lobby to pick something up. When we returned, my dad said that they were handing out free margaritas because they don't have their liquor license yet and that I should get one because he was driving. Some of you don't know my parents but this was shocking! My parents have never had anything to drink and for them to suggest that I have one is unbelievable. I mean, I still can't get over it. So, I drank my free beverage with my parents and it was great! I feel like the door might be opening to tell them about a few other little things that I am not ashamed of but have been afraid to share. Anyway, the food was great and it was a fun night.

Today I am running a few more errands and am going to work on a sewing project that I will hopefully be able to post soon if it turns out as it should (:

blogs blogs blogs

hi friends! I hope that no one got too depressed by my lack of posting these past couple of weeks (insert sarcasm here). I am back! And I really don't have a lot of fun things to share, but do have a few little random things.

One of the reasons I decided to take a break from blogs was because I realized that I kept having conversation that started with "Well, I was reading this blog...." or "So and so posted such and such" on her blog". The funny thing is that I sometimes don't even personally KNOW these people. However, I feel like I do because I read about their lives because they are so free in sharing it.

So, here are some favorite blogs from people who don't know me from Adam.

Bring the Rain--This one gets a lot of comments so I am sure some of you have seen it already. All I know is if you read the whole story of Audrey Caroline, you had better have a box of tissues handy.

Kelly's Korner--I found Kelly's blog a little over a year ago through someone else's. She has the cutest posts and I think I am encouraged by her because she was a little older when she got married (: Well, she had a lot of struggles with infertility but finally got pregnant and had her baby girl, Harper, yesterday. Harper is in very critical condition and my heart breaks for this sweet family, but they are praying and staying strong in their faith.

Pioneer Woman--This lady is hilarious! Her posts about life on her ranch are entertaining. I particularly enjoyed reading the story of her romance with "Marlboro Man". It takes a while to read through the whole thing, but it was so fun to read. I hear that her recipes are incredible, but i haven't tried any...yet.

So, go check some of these out. You'll laugh, you'll cry. Blogs are great fun but like everything else in life, moderation is key.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Over the past few days, I've realized that I'm a little too wrapped up in the blogosphere. So, I am taking a week off from writing blogs, reading blogs, Facebook, etc. Really, I want to only use my computer to check email.

I am looking forward to this break to use my time for other endeavors. I will be back soon with something exciting and fun (:

Thursday, January 1, 2009

here's to a new year

I don't have a lot that I want to blog about right now, but I thought I should start off the new year with a fresh post. This is just going to be random, but then again, I'm pretty random.

**I did get a sewing machine for Christmas and it's so cool. Now I have to learn how to make something!

**I am still sore from a weight-lifting class I took at the gym on Monday...what the heck?!?!?

**Allison came for a visit this past weekend and it was so fun! We made our annual trip to Starbucks, went shopping, ate at Blue Goose, and went to Pete's Piano Bar. Oh, and she introduced me to this cool website:

**I bought leggings. We'll see if I have the courage to ever wear them.

**Went to coffee and to the movies with Hollie O today. Bawled like a baby during "Marley and Me".

**I redecorated a wall in my room. Scrapbook paper is the best stuff ever!

**My Aunt Gina gave me an apron for Christmas...she had no idea about my recent fascination with them.

**I am having a sleepover with Emily and her 4 kiddos tomorrow!

**Tis the season for engagements. Congratulations to Melissa, Hillary and Brooke!

**I basically accomplished nothing on my Christmas-Break 'To-Do' list.

I am hopeful that this new year will bring a lot of great things. I hope for this every year, and great things do happen. But it's just not usually the things that I specifically hope or pray for at the beginning of each year. With all of that said, I am looking forward to a wonderful 2009 (: