Tuesday, December 23, 2008

i'm so excited!!!!

I have a deep love for Amy Grant that goes back to when I was about 3 or 4 years old. My Aunt Gina and I would sing "Sing your praise to the Lord" together and it was always a hit for the family! Anyway, I discovered that Amy herself has a blog...yippee!! I know that Amy has been the subject of a lot of scrutiny in the Christian realm, and we don't know all of the details of her situations. And it's not our place to pass judgment. But I treasure so many of her songs, have been to numerous concerts, own just about every album, and I will always love her.

Here's the link if there are any more fans out there!!!

waxing philosophically

I'm in search of the perfect skin-care regime. So, after some careful research, I went to Sephora today and bought this kit by Philosophy:

The description on the website says that you need this product if...
**you want to restore your skin's radiance
**you seek skin confidence
**you want to look 100% better wearing 50% less makeup
**you want your skin to look the best it has has ever looked

Um, yes please!!!

It's a little pricey but even having just used it once today, I like it. I will report back in a few weeks to see if I am really able to pull off the "makeup optional" claim (:

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Lately I have been obsessed with aprons. It started back in the spring when I saw some cute vintage aprons at a craft/antique mall. One of the reasons I have asked Santa for a sewing machine and want to learn how to sew is to be able to make them. I am convinced that people would love to get them for gifts!
So since parents are so hard to buy for, I decided to go with a 'theme' for my mom. (don't worry, they don't read the blog). The theme is "Things that you would not buy for yourself". So, I figured that one of the things I would get her is a fun apron.
I think that Melissa is the one who told me about Anthropologie having some cute ones. Off I went to the Shops at Willow Bend and I found a lot of cute aprons (and picked up a few other little gifts and a couple of plates for myself that were on sale). This is the apron that I bought for her, except that hers is turquoise and green:

Dad is getting the same boring stuff...gifts aren't his love language anyway so he really won't care (:

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I cannot tell you how excited I am to have a two week break from school. Beginning at 12:30 tomorrow, am a free woman. Wahoo!
In order to not waste-away the time off, I am going to set some little goals for myself. Here are a few.

**Finish the 'Twilight" series. I just can't get into the third book but I need to know how it all ends so I can just be done with it!
**Do some kind of workout everyday. I will probably run a lot but I need to get back into the weights.
**Organize my closet for GOOD!!!
**Figure out to do with the third bedroom (and I might paint it)
**Get my hair cut and colored
**Deep clean my house
**Get my plate back (only a couple of you will understand this one!!!)

That's all I've got for now....good night!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

God with us

I must have sensed when I woke up this morning that today was going to be a heavy day for my heart. When I got dressed, I wore my little "Peace On Earth" long-sleeve T-shirt from Old Navy (everyone at school is wearing Christmas shirts with jeans). Then, I put my silver necklace on that has the word "Rest" engraved on it. When I paid for my coffee at Quik Trip, the cashier asked about me what my necklace meant. I simply told him that it was a reminder for me to just relax and to not worry about every piece of minutia. He then said, "And gurrrl, your shirt has the word 'peace' on it. You must really need to be reminded to chill out!" Thank you random convenience store man who can apparently see right into my soul.

So I went to school. Nothing went horribly wrong. In fact, it was a busy, but good day. My mind is so pre-occupied with things when I am there that I don't have time to obsess over my personal issues.

But something hit me on the way home and I suddenly was overwhelmed. I started crying. What was going on here??? That's not really like me at all.

Thoughts started flooding my mind about how I was all alone. I am just a teacher and school is the only thing I have in my life. And a lot of the time, I question whether I'm even good at teaching. I will never get married because I don't work hard enough to meet people and would rather stay at home and make crafts (ha). My friends care for me but will eventually move on into other phases of life and won't be able to relate to me. My health issues are getting worse (some of you know more about that than others--it's not serious, but causes cosmetic changes). I have made so many mistakes and am destined to fall into old patterns. People from my past will never believe that my life has been changed. And on, and on it goes.

In an effort to drown out the noise, I put on some music. My ipod was on shuffle, but the first thing that came on was "Emmanuel: God with us" off of Amy Grant's "Home for Christmas" album. (stop hating on Amy, Michelle ;)

The verses are not particularly powerful and the chorus is simple. But hearing "Emmanuel, God with Us" over and over again brought such comfort to me today. What an amazing truth to know that God is with us. It is something that I have heard for most of my life but today, my heart took refuge in knowing that He is here. All of the time. With me. With you.

Nothing has magically changed. I will still battle thoughts of fear and inadequacy. I will still struggle with disappointment and dreams that are locked-down in a holding pattern for an indefinite amount of time. But I do not have to battle them alone. I am so thankful to have been given a simple reminder during this season about how the Word became flesh and lived among us (John 1:14).

Sunday, December 14, 2008

i should be sleeping

However, I'm still awake and watching the Cowboys. ***By the way, if you go to the Lewisville Albertson's on a game day and wear a jersey, you get 10% off of your purchase***

The weekend just flew by and I really feel that I have anything to show for these past two days. However, I guess it's important to rest up and prepare for the LAST SCHOOL WEEK of 2008. Wahoo!!

My roommate, Corrie, ran the White Rock Half today. I was going to do it but waited too late to register. Apparently, they had to close it down this year! So, I was sad that I couldn't do it but decided today that I am going to enter one race a month. It looks like the first one will be the "Too Cold to Hold" in January. It's a 15k. Anyone interested? After that, I think I'll do the Cowtown half marathon at the end of February. So, that's that! I have got to get serious about amping up the workouts if I want to achieve my purely superficial goal of being hot-at-30. ;)

Just a little update on the "hope deferred". Yes, Rebekah--it involved a boy. But, I am really at such peace about my decision and God has been so sweet. I am just trying to remember that He is better. But, it's still sucks sometimes.

This blog is a bit random but what can I say? I was just in the mood to blog. Oh wait! The Cowboys just scored again!! This game is going better than expected.

Ok. Hope you all have a great week!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

i'm it!!

Melissa tagged me with this fun little Christmas Survey, so here goes....

  • 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? gift bags....i can't properly wrap a present to save my life. My brother, Matthew, always has to wrap my presents for me.
  • 2. Real tree or Artificial? artificial. I am too afraid of a fire with the real ones.
  • 3. When do you put up the tree? The Friday or Sat. after Thanksgiving
  • 4. When do you take the tree down? after New Year's
  • 5. Do you like eggnog? Yes. I first tried it during a Hall meeting in college. I have never had "real" eggnog, though. Just the stuff from the grocery store
  • 6. Favorite gift received as a child? I would have to say my ten speed bike when I was about 10 years old.
  • 7. Hardest person to buy for? Parents
  • 8. Easiest person to buy for? Matthew
  • 9. Do you have a nativity scene? I had a little ceramic one but I recently broke the Baby Jesus. He is kind of an important part of that whole thing so I took everything else down :(
  • 10. Mail or email Christmas cards? By mail
  • 11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? silk, flowered lounging pajamas. Seriously, they look like something Bea Arthur would wear on the "Golden Girls".
  • 12. Favorite Christmas Movie? National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. I just watched it last night with Hillary and Martin ;)
  • 13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Good question. Usually the day before Christmas Eve. Matthew and I buy our parents' gifts together but I have to wait for him to get into town. We don't really have anyone else to buy for so that's about it!
  • 14. Have you ever re-gifted a Christmas present? No
  • 15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? I just kind of graze on the snack foods....party trash, these little cheese crackers, and my Aunt Gina's caramel corn.
  • 16. Lights on the tree? White
  • 17. Favorite Christmas song? O Holy Night
  • 18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? stay home fo sho
  • 19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Rudolph, Donner, Blitzen, Cupid, Vixen, Dancer, Prancer, Comet...is that all??? And no, I did NOT Google.
  • 20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star
  • 21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning
  • 22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year?people just seem to be shorter with you at the stores...everyone seems to lose perspective on the reason for Christmas
  • 23. Favorite ornament theme or color? I have a teal/aqua/light blue theme on the tree. I am kind of anti-red & green
  • 24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? I guess green bean casserole or stuffing...again, I'm a snacker!
  • 25. What do you want for Christmas this year? a sewing machine
I tag.......Emily, Michelle, Tara, and Dawn!!!

i am second

I heard about this website, iamsecond.com a while back but didn't check it out until today. I ended up watching several of these little videos and I *might* have gotten a little choked up at times.

Some of the featured people are:
Josh Hamilton (of the Texas Rangers)
Jason Castro (from last season's American Idol)
Brian Welch (he used to be in Korn)
Tony Evans
Stephen Baldwin...
...and then just some 'regular' people sharing their story like in this video.
Something about that particular one really resonated with me today.

It is encouraging to hear the stories of what God has done in each of these people's lives. So, check it out!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

a good day

Today started off a little rough. Let's just say that it was pretty stinkin' hard to get my butt out of bed. I am sure that I am not the only one who longs for a few extra minutes in the morning so they can snuggle with their significant other blankets.

But, I had to get up. The future of America was counting solely on me to teach them about finding the percent of a number. Oh, what a purpose I had today!!

I threw on my school sweatshirt and jeans, slapped on a paw-print sticker (you have to have this on in order to wear the jeans), and threw my hair in a ponytail. Being comfortable made the whole 'up and at em' thing a little more tolerable.

My first class was fine. They actually understood what I was teaching them...yea! Then we went to lunch and today, our district gave us BONUS checks! I think this is unheard of in the realm of education. We knew it was coming but what great timing. So, I was very happy to receive this 'gas stipend' and even happier when I realized that only $7.95 had been taken out of it for medicare. Woo-hoo!!!

Despite getting nauseated and throwing up during my 4th period class (this has happened 3 times this year in this particular class--weird), the rest of the day was great.

When I got home I found more money waiting for me: my rebate gift card from Walgreen's and a $125 check in return for attending a summer teaching conference. Good stuff...

To top off a great day, Melissa and Hillary came over to make some Christmas cookies. It's always good times with these girls. Their friendship has blessed my life so much and it's so great to have friends who *know* you, junk and all.

Sadly, the cookies were not near as cute as we had hoped. (See pictures below). Apparently we did not flatten the dough enough. Guess I need to put "rolling pin" on my Christmas list.

All that to say, things are looking up. I'm thankful for the little monetary surprises and for fabulous friends (even when i find out they have a secret pre-marital book club--just kidding, girls)

Here are some pics...enjoy!!!

My cookie and me. The red dots are ornaments--don't judge me, people!
Hillary and her 'special' star
Melissa and me making frosting--check out that mixer in action!!
Melissa getting excited about our baked goods...apparently she hadn't looked at them closely yet
Bonus points if you can guess what shapes these are supposed to be!!!
Melissa and her new friend

Sunday, December 7, 2008

hope deferred

It really is true what the Bible says in Proverbs 13:12: "Hope deferred makes the heart sick". Today, I had to let go of a situation that I had hoped would have a different outcome. But instead of getting what I had longed for, I have a sad little heart. I know it will be fine and that I will one day look at this and see how the Lord spared me from something far worse, but it still hurts.

However, tomorrow is a new day and as it says in Lamentations 3:22-23, "Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."


Saturday, December 6, 2008

day of disasters

It is 7:15 on Saturday night and I am in my pajamas watching another installment of Fa-la-la-la-Lifetime. The current movie is kind of a modern, holiday-themed take on the 'Parent Trap'. Very riveting.

Anyhow, I just don't have the energy to do anything else tonight after the day I've had. It started out nicely enough. I put some mulling spices on the stove, showered, straightened my hair, and had some coffee. Then, I kind of smelled a burning odor and thought that I must have left my flat iron on. Nope. It was turned off. As I opened my bedroom door, I saw that the living room filled with smoke. The mulling spices were literally on fire! Worried that my house was going to smell like smoke forever, I opened up every window and Googled "ways to get smoke smell out of house". The most positive sounding solution was to boil vinegar and to set out little bowls of vinegar all of the house. Apparently, vinegar absorbs smells. **Sidenote--I have previously blogged about my love for vinegar, but I have a whole new appreciation for it after this incident, as well as another miracle it performed earlier in the week**

The smoke smell is still here a little bit, but it's going away. I'm hoping that it will be gone tomorrow for good.

After the stovetop debacle, I decided to engage in some crafting while closely monitoring the boiling vinegar. The other day, I purchased this neat little rotary blade that has interchangeable blades. I wanted to use the decorative one to add some flair to some cards. As I was changing the blade, I cut my thumb with the tool. It stung a little but I have a pretty good threshold for pain. My finger started to bleed. Not just a little bit, but a lot. Gushing would be a better way to describe it. I applied some pressure to it, but nothing. It was just blood, blood, and more blood. My stupid thumb bled for about 30 minutes--ridiculous.

Anyway, I had just about all the fun that I could handle so I'm calling it a night. Today was kind of indicative of how my week at school went. Here's hoping that next week is much, much better. (:

Friday, November 28, 2008

thursday thanks: the thanksgiving edition

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. This hasn't always been the case, but something shifted after I went off to college. Yesterday wasn't anything extraordinary, but it was good.
I gave thanks for:

Mashed potatoes
Trash (it's the fabulous version of Chex mix that my mom makes)
Sister Schubert's rolls (they are in the freezer section..check them out!!!)
Throwing the football with Dad and Matthew ( i must say that my spirals were especially good--ha)
Getting to spend time with Matthew before he heads off to India for a few months
Crafting with my Mom
Getting a Silpat for my baking (thanks Mom!)
Good running weather
The official beginning of the Christmas season....

...and that's just one day! I am one blessed gal...my cup runneth over (:

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I love magazines. Always have. If there is a good selection of them at a doctor's office, I don't even mind the wait. When I was in jr. high/high school and went to the central library to gather info. for school papers, I would spend most of my time reading back issues of 'People' instead. As much as I would love to subscribe to several at a time, I now only get two: Runner's World and Cottage Living.

Yesterday, something changed. 'Glamour' magazine magically appeared in my mailbox with my name on it. There was Keira Knightley looking right back at me. Then today, it was Nicole Kidman on next's month 'Glamour' cover. What?!?!? I have never bought this magazine, much less subscribed. This same thing happened last year when I got US Weekly for about 6 months for free. I constantly checked to make sure I wasn't being charged, but I could not figure it out why I was getting them for the life of me. I am not complaining...just puzzled (:

Is anyone else having this issue???

Monday, November 24, 2008

too good not to share

I struggle with this, I do. But this quote really hit home with me tonight in the midst of a little 'pity party'.

"Self-pity sounds self-sacrificing. The reason self-pity does not look like pride is that it appears to be needy. But the need arises from a wounded ego, and the desire of the self-pitying is not really for others to see them as helpless, but as the hero. The need self-pity feels does not come from a sense of unworthiness, but from a sense of unrecognized worthiness. It is the response of unapplauded pride." ~ John Piper

next to godliness

Well, over the last year or so, I've experimented with different household cleaners. I've tried making my own detergent, sprays, and soaps. I guess I got kind of freaked out about all of the chemicals floating around, so I thought it would be easier to start getting into these habits now so I'd be ready if kids when kids come into the picture. We wouldn't want their little mouths and bodies to be ingesting chemicals, now would we?

I love this little spray cleaner...it is fantastic! I checked this book out from the library last spring and put this little concoction together. It smells so great and costs pennies. Oh, and the peppermint soap is so refreshing--you can even use it for an invigorating body wash.

Peppermint All-Purpose Spray

2 cups warm water
2 T of Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Magic Soap (you can even find this at kroger's or a health food store)
2 T of white vinegar
4 drops of orange oil
4 drops of patchouli oil

My next favorite thing is vinegar. If you pour a little white vinegar into your washer with your detergent, it makes for an awesome fabric softener. And no, you don't smell like salad dressing...the smell isn't noticeable at all. But, you will notice the softness of your clothes.

For dishwasher/dishsoap, I just use Seventh Generation products. I have been pleased with the results. What finally made me switch was thinking about those chemicals going onto the plates/silverware/cups that I eat/drink with. Kind of scary, huh?

Now, I'm not one of those "green" fanatics. However, I do think that's important to be mindful of all of the unnatural stuff in our midst. All of those chemicals can't be all that good. Ok...now go make some of that spray--you won't be sorry!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

music that gets me in the mood....

...for Christmas, that is (:

With the holidays approaching, I can't help but think about some of my favorite Christmas music. So, here they are in no particular order.

1. Amy Grant
I love "Tennessee Christmas" and the later release, "Home for Christmas". Both are great and hold so many special memories. Does anyone else remember the Amy Grant Christmas specials on TV?!?!?! One year, she had 98 Degrees on there....way before the days of 'Newlyweds' (:

2. The Carpenters
The life of Karen Carpenter ended so tragically. However, my family LOVES The Carpenters "Christmas Portrait" CD. It is ah-mazing!! I always felt a connection with Karen because she has such a rich, alto voice. Oh, it's just awesome and a true classic...check it out!

3. Steve Tyrell
Ok. I first heard Steve's version of "The Way You look Tonight" on 'Father of the Bride'. But, it wasn't until I was on a college field trip to a Civil War battle field in Arkansas (yes, you read that correctly) that I heard Steve's stuff for the first time. Now, the CD "A New Standard" is not Christmas music. BUT---I have always dreamed of dancing with that 'special someone' around the Christmas tree while listening to these old, classic songs.

So, those are some of my favorites...please feel free to share some of yours!!!

thursday thanks

This edition of 'thursday thanks' is going to be pertaining to Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving...it's my favorite holiday by far. So, here are three things that I love about the fourth thursday in November (:

1. Fried Turkey
Well, I'm a little bummed because my dad told me the other day that peanut oil was about $50 a vat. So, we're not having the fried turkey this year. I am sad about it but am hopeful that Dad will be back with the fryer next year in all of his glory.

2. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
I love this movie and I love watching it with my family. Yes, it is irreverent at times. But, we always watch the edited version. No one can deny how utterly hilarious this movie is. Not even my sweet little mom who shakes her head at us when we watch it but laughs through the whole thing (:

3. Family
What can I say...I love my immediate family! My Dad is so incredibly witty that it brings it out in the rest of us. And my sweet, amazing little brother will be home before he heads out to India for the next 2.5 months. And my mom. She is such a wonderful example of a gody wife who loves to serve her family. I love how whenever she emails me, she signs it "love you forever, Mom". What a great family I have!!

p.s. I am also thankful that my friend, Emily, started a blog. She is a dear friend from high school and has 4 adorable children. I want to be just like her when i grow up (:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

alley etiquette

Until I bought my house, I had never driven in an alley. Now, it is a daily part of my life. I have lately encountered a little bit of a problem: who yields to whom in an alley??!?!?! Because I am scared of confrontation and want to please everyone (read: pushover), I do all of the yielding when another car is coming at me.

So here are some questions that I would love some feedback on...
1. Is there a right or wrong side to enter an alley?
2. Is there a rule about who should pull aside when two cars are driving in opposing directions?
3. What is an acceptable speed limit for alley driving?

Yes, this a riveting topic. I promise to bring you something a little better tomorrow (:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

say what?!?!?!?

Dear Random Expectant Mother from the Tom Thumb parking lot,

When I left my humble abode to head to the grocery store, I was on a mission: to get a South Beach Diet Pizza and ranch dressing. I had no malicious intentions on prohibiting you from 'pulling through' into a parking space. I simply chose a space that was available and somewhat near the entrance. It was purely coincedental that you also chose a space that was directly across from mine. Although I am sure that being a working, pregnant lady is exhausting, I don't think that yelling at me in a public parking lot was necessary. As you pointed out, I am sure that it is difficult to back up in a Suburban, hence your desire to 'pull through'. And yes, I do drive a "tiny little clown car" so I cannot fully relate to the challenges that you face in that area (but thank goodness for car mirrors). And no, as you also pointed out, I am not familiar with the ins and outs of pregnancy. However, I would like to remind you that Tom Thumb even has special spots designated especially for you expectant mothers.
Thank you for attempting to publicly embarrass me at my neighborhood store tonight. You might enjoy knowing that I enjoyed every bite of my pizza tonight despite said 'incident'.

Stephanie Shuler

Monday, November 17, 2008

even though i strongly dislike birds...

....i thought that this layout was too cute and fun for Thanksgiving. Maybe birds are okay with me if they are just in cartoon form (:

Thursday, November 13, 2008

thursday thanks

This will be short and sweet...I am super tired and it's only 8:30. However, that seems to be the norm these days!

1. Coffee
I never understood how glorious coffee was until I went off to college. It was there that I slowly developed my love for it. I started out with Big Trains at Nordaggio's. Gradually, I worked my way up to lattes and now, I like plain ol' coffee with just a itty bit of cream. I love starting my day off with a nice, hot cup.

2. Rebekah
Rebekah is one of those friends who I haven't seen in 4 years, but I still feel so close to her nonetheless. Whenever we chat on the phone, we don't miss a beat. She's married now and lives in Australia. It is my goal to visit her in Townsville someday. I really, really miss her and she's one of the funniest people I know. Here is a picture of our last weekend together (she's the one right next to me)

Love you friend.

3. Marco
I love this little guy. He's so loving, snuggly, and faithful. We've been together for almost 4 years and while he still has some bad and/or annoying habits, he is the greatest little dog I could have ever asked for. You can read more about our love story here. Te amo, mijo.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ice, ice baby

If you were looking forward to a post dedicated to Robert van Winkle, aka "Vanilla Ice", then I am sorry to disappoint. Instead, this is a post dedicated to all things Iceland.

What do you think of when someone mentions Iceland???

Do you think of Bjork...and this infamous dress????

Do you think of how the country is going bankrupt???

Or do you think of really nothing at all????

Well, let me tell you about my favorite Icelandic thing: Sigur Ros.

I first heard this group about 3 years ago and liked it just fine but was in a different musical "phase" of my life. Lately, I have rediscovered these musicians from Iceland and it's all want to play on my iPod to and from work. Some of my favorites are 'Glosoli', 'Andvari', and 'Fljotavik'. It's a little different...but check it out (:

Monday, November 10, 2008

new obsession

Yogurt has always been a favorite of mine. And, it's healthy to boot! This summer, Hollie O. introduced me to plain nonfat frozen yogurt. I was skeptical of the 'tang', but it is so good when you mix it with fruit and granola. After trying it at Bliss with Hollie, I hadn't had a chance to eat it again. But, after the Mud Run, I swung by and got some yogurt goodness. Then today, I braved the rain and the fog to try out a new place right by my house called Yogurteria. It was so great too! The only problem is that it's on the way home from my gym. Hmmm...this doesn't really help the aformentioned six pack that I'm aspiring to have.

weekend update

Happy Monday! I don't really have that much to write about but thought I would document this past weekend. As most of you know, I like to keep things low key and rest. I was still able to do that, however, I also enjoyed hanging out with some friends.
Friday night, Hollie came over and we enjoyed some pizza, conversation about dumb boys, and perhaps an adult beverage was drunk (: It was good to catch up!

Saturday morning, I grabbed a pumpkin spice latte, drove to Hillary's apartment, and hopped in the backseat of Marty's car with Melissa. Melissa and I went to cheer on the happy couple as they did the Mud Run. Races usually inspire me and make me want to join in. Well, not this one. Those two crazy kids ran a 10k in camo pants and combat boots. AND, they had to do all of these crazy obstacles along the way. I wish I had an 'after' picture, but here is a before of Hill and her two biggest fans:

** *note to self--Must work on posture***
The weather Saturday was beautiful and I enjoyed being outside and watching the race. I was also motivated to get super-serious about diet and exercise after seeing the most incredibly flat, cut abs on one of the female winners. I work out a lot and am a fairly good eater, but I could do sooo much better. So, my new sole purpose in life is to get a six pack...ha.

The rest of the weekend was spent sleeping in, talking with my brother who won't be home for Christmas (*tear*), getting some great buys at Bath and Body, going to church, and planning out my Christmas gifts. I have decided this year to make all of my gifts. My brother laughed when I told him this and asked if I was going to be decorating orange juice cans with popsicle sticks. Very funny, Matthew. Just to clear things up, I purchased this Martha Stewart magazine that is all about Christmas crafts and can't wait to get going. Some girls from work are wanting to join in the fun and have a craft party...all of you CVMS peeps are invited ;)

Well, that's all I've got. I have decided that it is going to be a great week and I'm loving this rain right now...just hope my little hail-damaged roof can hang in there (:

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday Thanks

Well, tis the season to start thinking about my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving. I love everything about it: the weather, the food, family, football, and reflecting on my many blessings. So, I decided that every Thursday I will blog about 3 people/events/things I am thankful for. It is so easy for me to focus on what I don't have so I want to focus on how great my life really is so I don't take anything for granted.
So, here goes!!!

1. Melissa and Hillary
These girls are so special to me. I have always had a small group of close friends at a time rather than a bunch of people I know on a surface level. Both of these girls are amazing and I look forward to our *almost* weekly meetings. These girls challenge me, make me laugh, and are completely transparent....I love you girls! JJ and Marty are lucky guys ;)

2. Running
I am so thankful for the ability to run AND that I enjoy it. I love the clarity that I get when I run. This is what keeps me going when I want to give up or am tired. Earlier in the school year, I went to a cross country meet and saw a guy there who was watching on the sidelines. He was a double amputee and was confined to his wheelchair. While he seemed to have a great attitude, I couldn't help but think that he'd probably give anything to be able to move like those kids were.

3. Fall
I just love this season. I have documented it here, here, and here.

Stay tuned for next week's edition!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

shout out

One of the things that I have loved the most about where I work is the people that I work with. I have gone through different seasons with different coworkers and some of those relationships have fizzled out. However, this year, I have so enjoyed eating lunch with a particular group of girls. One of those gals is Tara and I have loved getting to know more about her, her life, and about her sweet baby boy, Lane. Today, I found out that she's a blogger...who knew?!?!?!
So fun (: I am so blessed to work with amazing people each day!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

i'd rather be in stars hollow

I have spent several hours over the past seven days watching "Gilmore Girls". I have such fond memories of sitting around and enjoying this show with my mom AND my dad while I was home from college. We loved the witty repartee, unique bond between Rory and Lorelei, and the quaint little town that they lived in. So, the other day while doing loads of schoolwork, I pulled out Season One. It made grading and lesson planning on a Saturday so much better (:

This weekend, I started with Season Two and am just loving it all over again. I'm sad that the show had to end, but am grateful that it will live on forever on DVD (:

Sunday, October 26, 2008


I know I just posted some recipes, but here are a couple more that are super easy and yummy.
My Mom started making these enchiladas a few years ago and they are always a hit. I made them the other night for a friend, along with this "Killer Queso" recipe that my Aunt Gina gave me recently. The great thing about the enchiladas is that you can make them ahead of time and then just put them in the oven when you're ready. You can even freeze them if you'd like.

Cream Cheese Chicken Enchiladas
2-3 large cans, pkgs., or fresh chicken equaling same
8 Oz. cream cheese, softened
1 regular size picante (Pace size) I actually like the Pace Chipotle kind if you can find it, but any will do.
1 lb. Velveeta, cubed and melted
1 or 2 cans mild enchilada sauce
flour tortillas

Mix the cooked chicken with 1/2 bottle picante sauce and the cream cheese. Place some of chicken mixture onto a tortilla and roll it up. Place seam side down into a baking dish. I use a 9 x 13. Usually I end up with about 10 of these enchiladas. Then, melt the Velveeta and add the remaining picante sauce and the enchilada sauce altogether. Pour that mixture over the enchiladas and bake until hot and bubbly (I cover these with foil). Then, bake between 20 - 35 minutes depending on your oven and if they were cold when you started. Try 350 degrees. You can serve as is or garnish with a little grated cheese (let it melt right at the end) and/or some green onions or fresh cilantro or whatever you can think of! You can vary the "heat" by using milder or hotter picante and milder or spicier enchilada sauce.

Killer Queso!!!
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can rotel
4-8 oz. of green chiles
1 tbl minced jalepenos
1 tsp cumin
1 envelope of ranch dressing mix
3/4 cup evaporated milk
1 lb. Velveeta
1/4 cup minced cilantro
4 oz jar of pimentos

Mix everything except Velveeta and cilantro. Heat it until it's bubbly. Add cubed Velveeta and stir in the cilantro. That's it!!!

So maybe someone out there in the blogosphere will try these recipes and enjoy. Let me know if you try them! I would love to do a recipe exchange of some sort and expand my repertoire. I am holding fast to the belief that if I cook it, he will come. haha (:

Friday, October 24, 2008

love me some pumpkin

I love pumpkin. I love that fall celebrates pumpkins. I, for one, enjoy eating it all year round as a vegetable. But, I have some favorite recipes that I bust out during this season. Right now, I am making these (and yes, I used my fabulous new mixer!!):

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies...these are so good and have more of a 'cake' consistency
1 cup canned pumpkin
1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 egg
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon milk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 cups semisweet chocolate
1. Combine pumpkin, sugar, vegetable oil, and egg. In a separate bowl, stir together flour, baking powder, ground cinnamon, and salt. Dissolve the baking soda with the milk and stir in. Add flour mixture to pumpkin mixture and mix well.
2. Add vanilla, chocolate chips and nuts.
3. Drop by spoonful on greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for approximately 10 minutes or until lightly brown and firm.

And this is great for a snack!
Pumpkin Dip (great with fruit or gingersnaps)
1 8oz. pkg. Cream cheese,
softened2 cups confectioners sugar
1 (15 oz) can solid pack pumpkin
1 TBL ground cinnamon
1 TBL pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp frozen orange juice concentrate
Blend together cream cheese and confectioners sugar in one bowl. In another bowl, mix pumpkin, spices and orange juice. Thoroughly mix in the cream cheese blend. Chill until serving.

Hope you enjoy The Pumpkin as much as I do!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

wedding? I don't need no stinkin' wedding

Well, here is what is now sitting on my kitchen counter:

If you read this post, then you'll know why I am so pumped about this. Thank you, Parents, for this belated birthday gift! And thank you, Em, for encouraging me to just get one of these already (:

Thursday, October 2, 2008

when did i get so old?

This morning I woke up at 4:30 a.m.
Willingly, mind you.
I showered.
Put my robe on.
Made coffee.
Read up on my current events via my favorite sites: Foxnews.com, Cnn.com, Drudgereport.com, and usatoday.com
Ate oatmeal because it's high in fiber and helps lower my bad cholesterol.
Started a meal in the crock pot so that it would be ready for dinner when I got home.
Applied Anti-wrinkle serum.
Then applied Neutrogena Skin Firming Moisturizer with Active Copper. Does anyone know what active copper is? I sure don't but it sounded good on the commercial.
I then wondered how I could be developing wrinkles while still getting zits. Why doesn't anyone tell you that wrinkles and blemished can coexist? I thought one was supposed to cancel out the other.
Then I paid some bills online.
Drank some more coffee.
Learned some more about this bank/financial crisis.
Went to work.
Had a discussion at lunch about the dangers of salt. Did you know that too much salt is taxing on your kidneys and liver? I'm going to have to try to cut it out but I consider sodium to be its own food group.
Said all sorts of things I swore I never would to some kids like, "too bad, so sad", "you should have thought about that before you came to class", "Life's not fair", etc.
Bought ANOTHER shower gift...this time for my cousin's baby shower.
Got excited about the Vice-presidential debate.
Ate some of my crockpot chicken and dumplings.
Contemplated becoming a vegan again.
Took a cat nap.
Watched the debate.
Called my dad to discuss said debate, economy, and my wedding...ha. (Really, i was just re-negotiating the price that he's offered me to not have one should the Lord tarry and I actually find someone to marry)
And now, I'm going to bed.

But the big question is....who am I and where did days of living footloose and fancy-free go?!?!?!?!?!??!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

single serving

**Disclaimer: This is not a blog intended to evoke pity, but rather, an observation on traditions, etc.

OK. Good. Glad I got that warning out of the way (:
Tonight, I went to the store to buy yet another wedding shower gift. Now, I kind of enjoy the process of looking at the registry and coming up with the perfect gift to fit my single-gal budget. I feel grown up, and I especially feel adult-ish when I am buying baby gifts. That's when the whole "Wow, I'm old enough to have friends with kids!" thing kicks in.
Every time I buy one of these gifts, I selfishly wonder if I will ever be on the receiving end of a bridal registry. And there is really only one thing I dream
about: the Kitchen Aid Mixer.

Now, here's the dilemma. Being as though I am 29 and own a house, I have already acquired a lot of household items: Cutlery, plates, Le Creuset cookware, a crock pot, steamer/rice cooker, pans, pots, casserole dishes, etc. So, the question is....do I keep adding things to my home or hold out in the hopes that one day I'll be able to register for them? Do I spend the next few years using my sad little hand mixer, or do I treat myself to the real-deal right now since whether I'll ever get married is unknown?

Again, this is not a 'woe is me' post about my solitude. Sure, I have those every-so-often, but I think it's completely normal. I think the thing that bothers me the most is that I am constantly having people trying to comfort me with their wisdom of how singleness is just as wonderful as marriage if that's the season the Lord has you in blah blah blah. Sometimes I believe that. But, if it's so great--and IF you are called to a lifetime of singleness--why isn't there a celebration of that? Do single people not need to create homes and foster their gifts of hospitality with the help of said mixer? And it's not really about the gifts, but rather, the acknowledgment that the Lord's purposes for my life as a single are just as exciting and worth celebrating as the gals who are getting married.

Just something to chew on courtesy of my latest trip to Bed, Bath & Beyond (:

Sunday, September 28, 2008

wish list

I have been thinking lately of all of the fun things that I can do to make my humble little abode a bit more cozy. Don't get me wrong--I love my house. But, I am starting to think of little house projects that I hope to be able to do within the next year or so.

1. Hardwood Floors
I wish to put something like this in my dining room, living room, and hallway.

2. Scrape popcorn ceilings
I have grown accustomed to the popcorn, but I would love to get rid of it someday. The popcorn just dates the home.

3. Cover the pink marble fireplace with Faux austin stone. Ah, I have dreamed about this for a long time but can't find anyone who actually knows how to install it!
Here is the only picture of the fireplace now (please ignore my pose and the decorations on the marble)

And here's what I want to cover it with:

So, a girl can dream. I'm not sure how I am going to pay for all of this but it is sure is fun to have a goal to save towards.

Monday, September 22, 2008

bouquets of sharpened pencils

I love when Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks are emailing back and forth in "You've Got Mail" and they start talking about all the things they love about fall. That's where my little title comes from. Being a teacher and being as though autumn is my favorite season, I just love the image that those words create.

Fall is officially here, even though it feels nothing like it outside. Here are some things I especially enjoy about this season:
The Pumpkin (including but not limited to Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Creamy Pumpkin Oatmeal, Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin dip, and just plain pumpkin as a side dish...yum) .
Hoodies. Enough Said.
Football games.

Awesome running weather.
The FW Turkey Trot.
Knowing that Thanksgiving and the Holidays are right around the corner.
Leaves changing colors

...and I am sure I could think of much, much more.

Now, speaking of "You've Got Mail", I've had a development take place in my life that makes that movie really hit home. No, it's not online dating, but rather, the corporate takeover. My own personal "Shop Around the Corner" aka, The Health and Athletic Center, has been taken over by Lifetime Fitness. I am so sad. I love the HAC because they have a dress code, low rates, and amazing classes. Lifetime is twice the price and they only have two step classes. The family atmosphere at the HAC is what I love and I'm not intmidated by the people who work out there OR by the instructors. So, I guess I will be in the market for a new gym, but nothing really excites me. What a dilemma. Maybe I'll just bust out The FIRM dvd's that I did for years. We'll see.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Wow. 29 years.

3 days into it and I don't know what to think.

My first thought is that 30 is just around the corner.

Everyone keeps telling me that "30 is the new 25" or something like that.
I am not sure.

To me, I feel like I only have 361 days left to mark off a list of things off a 'list' that I have made in my head for the past 10 years or so.

But, so many of those things are out of my control.

Marriage, kids, etc.

Sometimes it seems like I have been running in a marathon but am barely moving and about to just join the spectators on the sidelines.

Sometimes I think it's not that big of a deal.

It's not a race.

I am not losing.

Maybe I am just running in a different race.

It's not inferior.

God does not love me any less.

Or anymore.

I wish I could cling to that truth at all times.

Comparisons aren't good.

But it's a hard habit to break.

So I am deciding that 29 is going to be great.

Perhaps not the 'great' I've had in my mind for the past decade.

But my 29 is not a Plan B.

Thank you Jesus for 29 years.

And for a family that loves me.

And for friends who accept the real me.

For my house.

My job.

Little sixth grade lives to influence daily.

And for holding me even when I can't feel your arms wrapped around me.

Here's to 29...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

will i ever learn???

I am not what you would call an impulsive person. Most decisions I make are fairly well thought out and the result of much deliberation. There have been times, however, where I act on a whim. Most of these times involve my hair. Now, those of you very close to me know the hair drama that has ensued over the past three years (thank you thyroid). But this has nothing to do with that.

Last night, I decided that I would get a haircut Saturday morning...just a trim. I had a coupon and my mom had just gotten her hair cut at this same little place. Her hair looked good so I figured it was worth a shot. I mean, all I really wanted was an inch-and-a-half trim. Just enough to clean up the ends. I've been on this new crusade to grow my hair out to where it's past my shoulders when it's curly. Well, let's just say that that dream will not be coming to fruition anytime in the next two years. Apparently, 1.5 inches translated into 3!!! This means that I cannot even get it into a ponytail. I rely so heavily on the ponytail and now I don't know what to do. At least the stylist was enjoying herself during the cut, dancing and singing to every song that played on Mix 102.9. I particularly liked it when she harmonized to "Cuts Like a Knife" by Bryan Adams.
The sad part is that I have had countless impulse haircuts and they always end up the same way--badly. Maybe it's time to find a stylist and develop a relationship with him or her. Someone I can trust. Someone that knows the innermost workings of my follicles. Someone who knows what's best for my crazy, curly hair.

Oh well. At least all of my split ends are gone. *sigh*

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I am watching the Republican National Convention and have laughed out loud several times. Not necessarily because the speakers were funny, but rather because the people at the convention are just comical. They are dancing and jumping up and down, waving things in the air, and whooping and hollering. Oh, and this just in: a lady was just shown being escorted out of the arena by some guys in suits.

I think I like this Sarah Palin. I had never heard of her until Friday, but so far, so good. Is it just me or does she kind of look like Peggy Hill from "King of the Hill"? I'm just sayin'...

One thing I can't stand is the standing ovation. It is so forced and insincere. Sure, a few people may feel moved to stand from time to time, but you can't tell me that EVERY person in a room feels the same exact emotion at the same time. I think that this feeling first developed in one of my many charismatic church experiences. I particularly remember that my church in high school would have a special "anthem" every Sunday. Well, I began noticing that after the first measure was sung, the spirit had apparently moved the whole sanctuary to stand on their feet. I refused and was often the only person seating. Maybe I'm stubborn, or some might even deem me disrespectful. However, I maintain to this day that the standing ovation is a forced display of "emotion". Maybe I'm bitter because I've never received one and probably never will. But I do know that I would never want people to feel obligated to stand to their feet if they didn't really want to.

Yes, this blog was pretty pointless, but I am trying to stay awake and listen to the remainder of Palin's speech.

Until next time...

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Well, it's about 11pm on a Saturday night and I'm blogging. Well, actually I'm baking cookies, doing laundry, AND blogging in the meantime. What an exciting twenty-something life I lead. haha. Don't worry--I actually have a date tomorrow so that will be fun (:

Here is just a little run-down of some recently happenings for my two faithful readers, Rebekah and Melissa.

*My Dad's mom, Betty June Turner Shuler, passed away last Saturday. You can read her obituary here. I think it sums up her life pretty well. We are sad for the loss of her here on earth but grateful that she is free from the body that failed her so miserably over the past 8 years or so. Praise God that she is reunited with D.J, but it's still hard to believe that she's gone.

*School has started! I am teaching 6th grade this year. They are funnier than I thought they would be...but also as needed as I DID think that they would be. This year is going to be challenging in a lot of new ways but I think it's going to be great. Here's to Year 7! Wow--seven years. Who would've thought?

*I went to a high school Cross Country meet last night to see some kids run and actually got to see students from 3 and 4 years ago. They have all matured so nicely and it put teaching in perspective. I love seeing them once they've grown up a little. It would have been nice, however, if a couple of them would have been better behaved while they were in my class. Oh well!

*Hooray for Labor Day Weekend! If only every weekend was 3 days long...

*I decided on the iPod Classic. So far, so good. Thanks to everyone who contributed their two cents.

*I will be 29 in less than two weeks. I am freaked out about this birthday. Not sure why, except that it's the last year of my twenties. Goodness, I'm getting old. It is really hard not to compare where I am in my life versus where I thought I would be.

*Matthew (my baby brother) is moving to Idaho in a week or so to do a DTS with YWAM. From there he will go to India. Rebekah--I tried so hard to get him to go to Australia so you could look out for him. This is a huge transition for him, as he's leaving his job at BP to pursue a new direction. I am proud of him for his decision.

*My college friend, Keira, just lost her father this past Tuesday. She's in Thailand doing mission work but was able to go back to Colorado. My heart hurts for her, and I can't imagine losing my Dad at this age.

Well, that's about all I have for now. I'll try to have some more focused posts in the near future!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

it's all starting to make sense

Even though we are supposed to embrace our individuality when it comes to physical appearances, we all have certain people that we admire for specific outstanding features. For example, I was watching a commercial today for Pantene and thought, "I would kill for that Maria Menounos' hair." This is not the hairdo from the ad, but you can still tell that she has a great head of hair:

For guys, I have heard one common aspiration that they have when they get on a work-out/health kick. It never meant much to me until last night. I have heard the following phrase more times than I can count: "I want to look like Brad Pitt in 'Fight Club'". After watching this movie for the first time last night, I get it. Gentlemen, you all have my blessing to aspire to resemble this...sans cigarette and black eye (:


Oh, and the movie was sooo different than what I thought. It has left me with a few questions and was much more poignant than I would have imagined.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

something's gotta give

I know I have posted on this particular topic before, but I really need to stop one of my worst habits: Diet soda. As much as it pains me to give up one of my little earthly joys, I have to quit. I'm convinced that our bodies were not designed to handle aspartame and all of its possible side effects. Water is ok...I can learn to love it again. And don't people who carry water bottles around just kind of have an appearance of health? Ah, yes. That will be me.
So long, my dear friend...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Please don't stop the music

Yes, the title of this post is also the name of an incredibly obnoxious Rhianna song, but it seemed fitting. A couple of weeks ago, my precious little Civic was broken into. The passenger side window was busted and my little mp3 player was gone. Now, I was a little excited about the prospect of shopping for a new mp3 player because my other one had a lot of music on it that I didn't want anymore. And there was some kind of glitch with the software that wouldn't let me take it off, so space for new songs was limited.
So, I am now in the market for a new device. I am about 95% sure that I am going with an Apple this time.
Here are the options:
The iPod Classic

Cost: $249
Pros: Can hold up to 20,000 songs so I would never be short on space
Cons: It is kind of big for running, and that's one of my main uses for it. Has anyone used this while working out? Help!

The Nano

Cost: $199 for 4G
Pros: Compact and great for running...should be enough space since it holds 2,000 songs
Cons: Dollar for dollar, I could get a lot more space with the classic

I think the iPod Touch is pretty cool, but I don't think I need to spend that much money. Also, the thought of having wireless access everywhere I go just makes me think I would never have human-to-human contact again. ha.

So, if anyone is still reading this, please give me your thoughts/opinions/experiences. I am open to other brands as well. I really liked my Sansa player but the thought of syncing up to iTunes just sounds so much easier.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I'm still alive

Ok Rebekah...this one's for you, friend (:

For whatever reason, I have not felt compelled to blog at all over the past few months. Part of me thinks it's incredibly narcissistic to think that anyone cares about my little life. But, my dear little friend, Rebekah, says that this is her 'lifeline'. Boy, have I let her down! This summer, I've had a few fun experiences, learned some new things, and have spent lots of time with family and friends. There is a lot on my heart and in my head, but I'm not quite ready to get back into full blogging mode. So, I like to think of this attempt to re-enter as a baby step. It will be light on substance and photos, but I think the juices might start flowing for future blogs after a while. We shall see...

Here is a list of some things I've done this summer:
--I went on a cruise to New England/Canada with my parents and brother. It was their 30th
anniversary and they wanted to take their kids with them since we're "not married yet". Ha.
It was a good time overall but 7 days is a bit long to be on a ship with hundreds of senior

--I have rediscovered my love of reading and it's been so great. This summer I have read: "The
Other Boleyn Girl", "The Last Summer of You and Me", "My Sister's Keeper", "Twilight" (now
I'm working on the 2nd book in the series "New Moon"), "The Nanny Diaries", "The Prince",
and now I'm working on "The Reason for God".

--I have had more of a tan this summer than I have had in years. Love it!

--I love love love sundresses! Seriously, this discovery has been so wonderful and freeing. They are fun and flirty and you don't have to fix your hair to look like you made an effort to look cute--perfect!

--I have been stressed about watering my foundation during all of this heat. Home ownership
has been great until this summer. I also need a new roof due to the storms in March & April.

--I got a new car over Memorial Day Weekend....here is a pic of what it looks like, color and all:

--I have learned that boys will always confuse me. And when I say 'boys', I also mean grown men in their 30's. But, I am also learning to appreciate someone who is brutally honest at where they are at in their life....even if it's not what I always want to hear. More on this in another post (:

--Teachers are some of the rudest people ever. After attending an AP Institute this week, I was surprised at how insanely disrespectful these people were towards our instructor. Granted, he wasn't the most dynamic speaker ever, but the poor guy was trying.

Now, I only have two weeks left of summer so here is a short list of things I'd like to accomplish before I go back into the real world:
--Cut out letters and make my own posters for the classroom.
--Get cool fabric for the bulletin boards
--Deep clean my closets
--Figure out how to get the shine back in my marble floors after a spill from the other night
--Work out every day
--Finish "New Moon"
--Lay out one more time
--Pick out my outfits for inservice (the first day of school is easy since we have to wear a faculty
shirt w/jeans...yea!)
--Make a new budget
--Think of ways to simplify
--Write a mission statement for my class
--Pray for my future students and that I can be all that they need me to be this year.

That's all I've got for now...there will hopefully be more to come!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

blah blah blog

The past few days, I have had a compulsion to blog. However, I don't know where to begin. So much has been floating around in my tiny little brain, but I feel like I won't be able to put a decent thought together until summer comes around on June 5th. Oh, June 5th--you are my new favorite date. On June 6th, I fly out to Boston for my parents' 30th anniversary cruise. There probably won't be any blogging while I'm touring New England and Canada either. So maybe there will be something worth blogging about on June 15th or 16th. We shall see... (:

All I know right now is that I am trying to figure out what it means to truly rest. Matthew 11:28. It is a daily struggle to let the Lord take on all of my little burdens so that I may find rest in Him and in Him alone.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Oh, George W. Bush. I have defended you for a number of things through the years. And trust me, the opportunities to do that come up more often than you'd like to know. But, please know that your "No Child Left Behind" legislation has taken a lot of the fun away from teaching. I completely understand the need for teacher accountability. When I think of my 7th grade Texas History teacher, Coach Hodgson, I get fired up. The man would literally prop his legs up on his desk and read the sports page everyday while we just sat there. Now, he would occasionally turn the VCR on and show us various movies on the Alamo. And let's not forget that month we spent watching "Lonesome Dove" and "Dirty Dancing" (was that story set in Texas????). But I digress....

While I think that teachers need a standard to ascribe to, I don't like that everything within the school year revolves around the TAKS test. I literally had nightmares this year about it. Would my kids be retained because they didn't pass? Would I get my teaching certificate revoked because of a testing 'irregularity'? Would I read the standardized directions incorrectly and mess the kids up all together? Oy! So much sleep was lost.

Well, I am happy to inform you that today I learned all but 4 of my 66 math kiddos passed the TAKS. Not too shabby. After what will go down as one of my worst years as a teacher for all sorts of reasons, I feel vindicated that the majority of my students learned enough math to satisfy the state of Texas. It was the result of hard work, early morning tutorials, and a lot of prayer.

I still hate NCLB, but I will bask in these newly acquired results for a little while longer.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Oh happy day

Today was a really strange day. When I got to school, I was greeted at the door by two teachers who were letting people in. Apparently the keyless entry wasn't working. And, the lights were all out in the school due to a tornado the previous night. The shop teacher told me that we were without power and if it wasn't up and running soon, school would be canceled. Well, a few minutes later, we got word that school had in fact been canceled and the kids were being sent home. This is truly the first time I have ever heard of something like this happening. It was like a snow day...but ten times better because we don't have to make it up!!!
So, at around 10, we go to go home. I had a lot of ideas in my head about how I wanted to spend the day, but I ended up just going to lunch at Snuffer's with my dad and then taking a nice nap. I ended the afternoon with the Kickboxing/sculpt class at the gym (aka "one hour of torture") and then met my friends Hillary and Melissa at Anamia's for a little dinner and catch up time. What a delightful day. Thank you Lord for the much needed break!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

when it rains...

...it pours.
Today, I hated that this old adage is true. And tonight, I am uncertain of so many things that I thought had already fallen into place. School is honestly such a stressful place to be right now. Everyday, I feel a huge weight on my shoulders because of TAKS, parents, apathetic kids, and I just feel like I can't do anything right. My spirit is crushed and my heart is hurting. For a while now, I have toyed with the idea of leaving education. It's been six years and maybe it's time for a break. I feel like I need to leave before I become too jaded and pessimistic like so many veteran teachers I have encountered through the years. The problem is, I just don't know what else I could do. Am I teachable? Yes. I love to learn new things and am like a little sponge when it comes to the unknown. But I am not sure who is willing to teach me something new. I am not sure what transferable skills I have. I don't have a clue as where to begin.

After a meltdown today, I pleaded with the Lord to show me what I need to do next. Maybe I don't get to leave teaching for another year or two, but I need an exit strategy. I have no idea what any of this will look like, but I am trying so hard to trust in the Lord and to learn what it truly means to wait on Him.

And I am open to any career suggestions and ideas if you've got some (all two of you out there)!!!

Monday, March 31, 2008

word of the day: MORTIFYING

For the last couple of days, I've had all of these ideas about blogs I wanted to start. Maybe share a few things that the Lord has been teaching me, talk about my weekend, etc. But alas. Today I caved and signed up for Facebook. Yes, I felt the pressure to stay in touch with my oh-so-techno-savvy friends. So I filled out the information. I even asked a couple of people to be my friends. Well, whaddya know but a couple of minutes later, Paul, comes up on my Gchat to tell me that I joined Facebook. I thought to myself, "How in the world did he know". Sorry Paul, but you weren't one of the people I invited....I was getting around to you, don't worry (:
I then connected all of the dots and realized that it had said something when I signed up about my Gmail address book and importing that but I thought that if I hit "skip", it would just ignore that step. Apparently, everyone that I've ever emailed or been on an email with was sent a notification that I'm now on Facebook. I am mortified!!! I have never been one to want the attention on myself--at all. So, if you are reading this then I am sorry. It was an accident and I am not presumptious enough to think that anyone truly cares to be alerted when Stephanie Shuler signs up for something.

Monday, March 24, 2008


I am sitting at home on my last day of spring break watching Oprah. I know, I know....I don't really care for her. Anyway, I am just tuning in because Billy Joel is on today and I enjoy some of his songs. He is on there with his wife who was born in 1981! What the heck? As someone who was born in '79, I am too old for Billy Joel!!!

You just have to laugh at the ridiculousness... :)

Friday, March 21, 2008

lacking inspiration

I feel this strange compulsion to write something on my little blog, however, I am not very inspired at the moment. If I had a kid, I could just snap a cute picture, give it a caption, and call it a day. Ha.
Anyway, I suppose that I could finish with a random, Spring Break '08 Wrap-Up....

Wednesday was quite uneventful. I went to Starbucks and read quite a bit of my book club book, Great Awakening by Jim Wallis. It is interesting...not sure I agree with some of it. However, it does raise important questions that I had not really thought of before regarding Christians and social justice. I will give a full review when I've finished it. The rest of the day was pretty chill and I hung out with my work friends Amber and Dawn and watched them choreograph a dance for cheerleading camp. Fun.

Thursday was another low-key day, though quite productive. My phone just decided to stop working on Wednesday night so I went up to Cingular to see what could be done. The guy told me I was eligible for an upgrade on April 8 but figured out a way to get me a new phone now. So, I have a new phone and it's pretty fun. But, I suppose I am still behind the times because everyone is moving in the PDA direction. It is just not something I am ready for. I really have this fear of technology and how everyone will one day just hide in their houses and there will be no more face-to-face contact. Ever.
After the phone, I treated myself to a pedicure. It is my personal conviction that everyone should start flip-flop season with a pedicure.
Perhaps the most proud moment of the break came yesterday afternoon when I decided to tackle a project. I assembled this:

This will go in Claire and Corrie's bathroom to hopefully give them a little more storage space. It looks harmless enough but I assure you, it was quite a job. There were all sorts of little pieces of plywood and hardwood that I had never heard of. Have you ever heard of a cam lock or a cam bolt? I hadn't. But, I took out my little electric screwdriver and went to town. It took over 2 hours but I am so proud of the finished product. There is something satisfying about being able to do some of these little jobs around the house. As a single homeowner, it is nice to know that I am capable of some things. Of course, it is nice to have my Dad just 10 minutes away (:

Matthew is coming in this weekend and I'm excited to see him. I haven't seen the kid since Christmas and that has just been too long.

Happy Easter everyone and rejoice because HE IS RISEN!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

adventures in spring-breaking...day two

That pretty much sums up today. I spent most of my day either getting wet, trying to come up with ways not to get wet, and then drying off when those plans failed.

Tuesday was the first day that I really let myself sleep in. It was fantastic! After I got showered and ready to go, I ran some errands up in Highland Village and then met my mom and dad at Patrizio's. It was my first time there and I really enjoyed it. It was even more wonderful because my Dad picked up the check. Thanks Les! We had a good time talking about everything from Jeremiah Wright all the way to shower curtains. All I have to say is that I am very concerned about the possibility of Barrack Obama leading our country if this is the spiritual leadership that he has been under for the past twenty years: http://youtube.com/watch?v=hZ38N8OUg3Q

Enough about politics. Let's move onto food. I have a new philosophy: if you cook it, they will come. Ever since I bought my house, I have dreamed of having people over and entertaining. Many of my friends are busy, so it is rare that we get a group together to come over. My new little roommate, Corrie, is quite the social butterfly. She is always having friends over so I told her that I would cook dinner for whoever came to the house. I whipped up some of my mom's special rice and breaded chicken. It all turned out pretty well and it was fun to cook a meal that others could enjoy. It is great to hear people laughing and having a good time in your very own home. And I am grateful to be able to sharpen my culinary and domestic skills in the hopes that I will have a household of my own one day. It's a win-win! Thank you Corrie and friends for being such gracious little guinea pigs (:

Let's hope that Wednesday is a little less wet. Yes, that would be nice.

Monday, March 17, 2008

adventures in spring-breaking...day one

Well, I have nothing to complain about because of two magical little words: SPRING BREAK!!!!
It could not have gotten here soon enough. It is a curious thing how much I can doubt my career choice but then be so grateful and sure of it this time each year. I just don't think I could ever work at a job that was year-round. But, ya never know.

I kicked off the week with a wonderful lunch with a dear high school friend. Barbara and I met our sophomore year at Calvary. We played sports together and were in a lot of the same classes, however, we weren't the closest of friends outside of school. My senior year of college, I was honored to be a bridesmaid in Barbara and Fern's wedding. It was such a blessing to be able to see how the Lord had worked in her life since our high school days. It was also quite nice to be able to walk down the aisle alongside a Tyson Beckford lookalike. (for those of you unfamiliar with Tyson, allow me to introduce you:

Anyway, Barbara and I lost touch for a few years but reconnected a while back. What a blessing this has been. We met for lunch at the Main Street Bread Baking Company in downtown Grapevine and talked for almost four hours. It was such an uplifting and encouraging time and there is a depth to our friendship that is so rare and refreshing. For the rest of the day, I was just floating on God's goodness, thanking him for my friendships, past and present. I thanked Him for friends who long to know Jesus more and for allowing me to walk with them.

The other night, I was reading in Acts and it had a reference to Psalm 16. Verses 5-11 have been a breath of fresh air. I love the Psalms.
Psalm 16:5-11
O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup.
You maintain my lot.
The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;
Yes, I have a good inheritance.
I ill bless the Lord who has given me counsel. My heart also instructs me in the night seasons.
I have set the Lord always before me;
Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.
Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices;
My flesh also will rest in hope.
For you will not leave my soul in Sheol, Nor will you allow Your Holy One to see corruption.
You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

I love the Psalms.

Friday, March 14, 2008

If he could see me now

Tonight, I had one of my co-ed basketball games. Because it's guys and girls, I don't score a lot of points. But, I continue to drive and go up strong--just like my dad taught me. Tonight, I was 5 for 5 from the free throw line. That is 100%. Never in all of my years of playing basketball have I shot so well from the charity stripe. I immediately called my dad after the game and he was so proud. It's the little things, people.

p.s. could this be confirmation that I need to take the basketball coaching position at my school next year? Stay tuned....

Sunday, March 2, 2008

in the words of Sheryl Crow...

...a change would do me good.

Lately, I have been feeling pretty crappy. When I wake up, I feel sluggish, as if I hadn't slept at all. I depend on coffee every morning, diet soft drinks throughout the day, and the occasional Red Bull to keep me going at work. This can't be a good thing. So, I am mixing some things up. Rather than becoming over-zealous and changing everything at once, I am starting out small.
The first change will be cutting out diet soft drinks and sugar. This will be hard, but I've done it before. I think it will be easier this time around because I'm not doing it to lose weight, but rather to just feel better and to have more energy. I've been reading a lot about the effects of both of these substances in relation to our health and the research is frightening.

So, there is my update. Of course, I might be tired because I am a bit over-extended at the moment...but I am working on that.

Until next time... (: