Tuesday, September 29, 2009

love this site

Ok...I have blogged before about how I have this identity crisis about not fitting into any category. Just about 95% of my friends are married, mommies, etc. And I still get sent to the kid's table at family functions even though I'm 30, own a house, have a job, etc. Do I sound bitter? Those aren't my intentions...I'm just occasionally frustrated with this extended "season". I am just really interested in things that are not usually associated with single-working adults, but rather mothers of young families. Like couponing and saving money. I get a high every week when I get free stuff at the grocery store, Walgreen's, CVS, etc. One of my problems in this area is organization. Imagine my excitement when I saw this video blog yesterday on how to organize a coupon binder! I love this post: http://hip2save.blogspot.com/2009/09/follow-me-monday-coupon-organization.htmland
I also encourage everyone to check out hip2save.com
It's amazing!!! Enjoy.

Monday, September 21, 2009

my next thirty years

Oh, how I loved that Tim Mcgraw song when I was in college and 30 was far off in the distance. I thought it was so clever and witty. Now that I am officially in my 30s, I'm not sure what to make of this new decade. The one thing I am grateful for is that God doesn't allow us to glimpse into our lives 10 years down the road. I am quite certain that my 20 year old self would absolutely freak out if I knew where I would be at 30. And, let's be honest--this was not my first choice. But, it's just fine. I can't help but hold out hope that some of my most exciting life moments are going to happen in the next ten years, and I have to admit that being 30 gives me a sense that I'll be taken a little more seriously :)

One of my goals was to take a picture everyday of my 30th (31st?) year. I bought a camera but I keep forgetting I have it. My family has never been into photographing our lives so I guess that rubbed off on me. I will try to remember that I have the camera and document all of the excitement that this year will hold.