Sunday, January 27, 2008

hangin' tough

Let's go back to 1989. I was ten years old and madly in love with a special group of guys. Each was very talented and a few of them were good looking. Many were in love with Jordan and Joe, but I had eyes only for Jon. Maybe it was because no one else fancied him so I thought I had a chance. Ha!
But I digress...
I remember sneaking the NKOTB tapes into my boombox and secretly playing them in my room (only Christian music was allowed in our home). When my family moved in March of 1990, my friend Kerry Moore gave me a black T-shirt and a button with Jon's picture on it. Oh, how I loved that button.

Imagine my surprise and delight when I read this headline:

New Kids On The Block Stage Comeback

This is so exciting! Now, I don't really think that NKOTB will ever be able to match their popularity from almost 20 years ago (am I really that old?!??!?!). But, it will be fun to relive those carefree moments of my youth and maybe even dance around again to "The Right Stuff", "Step by Step", or "Hangin' Tough". Ah, those were the days... (:

1 comment:

Claire Walker said...

They've got the right stuff, baby!