Thursday, October 2, 2008

when did i get so old?

This morning I woke up at 4:30 a.m.
Willingly, mind you.
I showered.
Put my robe on.
Made coffee.
Read up on my current events via my favorite sites:,,, and
Ate oatmeal because it's high in fiber and helps lower my bad cholesterol.
Started a meal in the crock pot so that it would be ready for dinner when I got home.
Applied Anti-wrinkle serum.
Then applied Neutrogena Skin Firming Moisturizer with Active Copper. Does anyone know what active copper is? I sure don't but it sounded good on the commercial.
I then wondered how I could be developing wrinkles while still getting zits. Why doesn't anyone tell you that wrinkles and blemished can coexist? I thought one was supposed to cancel out the other.
Then I paid some bills online.
Drank some more coffee.
Learned some more about this bank/financial crisis.
Went to work.
Had a discussion at lunch about the dangers of salt. Did you know that too much salt is taxing on your kidneys and liver? I'm going to have to try to cut it out but I consider sodium to be its own food group.
Said all sorts of things I swore I never would to some kids like, "too bad, so sad", "you should have thought about that before you came to class", "Life's not fair", etc.
Bought ANOTHER shower gift...this time for my cousin's baby shower.
Got excited about the Vice-presidential debate.
Ate some of my crockpot chicken and dumplings.
Contemplated becoming a vegan again.
Took a cat nap.
Watched the debate.
Called my dad to discuss said debate, economy, and my wedding...ha. (Really, i was just re-negotiating the price that he's offered me to not have one should the Lord tarry and I actually find someone to marry)
And now, I'm going to bed.

But the big question is....who am I and where did days of living footloose and fancy-free go?!?!?!?!?!??!


melissaj said...

You are not old my friend! Sounds pretty normal to me...except waking up at 4:30-willingly! :)

michelle said...

hahaha. you're hilarious. I agree; you're day is normal except waking up so early!

Anonymous said...

You are still my funniest friends. Its 3:48 in the morning. I'm NOT up on purpose. I have been awake for nearly an hour for no reason but this just made my day. Love you, friend!