Monday, December 31, 2007

tres anos

Today is a special day for my little dog, Marco, and me.

Three years ago, I was at my parents' house in Flower Mound watching the afternoon news. There was a story about 120 little dogs that had been rescued from a puppy mill. These little guys were sent to various SPCA shelters in the Metroplex. One of the shelters was in The Colony. Now, there are not a lot of redeeming qualities about The Colony, but it was on my way home to Plano (where I lived at the time). So, I hopped in my car and just swung by the shelter. Upon entering, I knew I was in trouble--so many little dogs in need of love. I found a really ugly, yet sweet hairless chihuahua that was just precious. He was desperate for love and attention and was just so great. The SPCA said that in order to adopt, I would have to show proof that I had paid a pet deposit at my apartment complex. I drove home and immediately wrote a check. When I got back to the shelter, the little guy was gone, and I was bummed. One of the workers encouraged me to keep looking, so I did. I came across a dog that was 5 years old, heartworm free, and neutered. 5 years old seemed a little too old for a dog that was expected to only live for 12-15 years, but I took him out to the play area outside. Once this dog got outside, he immediately ran away from me. This was not a good sign. But the man chaperoning our little outing insisted that if I sat down, he would hop in my lap. I was doubtful, but I took his advice. This little dog immediately jumped in my lap and snuggled with me.

And that was it. I took him home. It took a few days but I finally decided on a name. Because this dog was a chihuahua, I figured that he needed a Spanish name to keep true to his Latin heritage. My mom suggested Marco and it stuck.

Marco has been a fabulous addition to my life. He is sweet and cuddly. Sure, he is annoying from time to time, but I love him all the same. It is hard to imagine life without him...he is a great dog!

Happy 3 year anniversary, Marco!

1 comment:

Claire Walker said...

Oh Marco...I do love you so!

Thyroid problems and all!