Friday, March 21, 2008

lacking inspiration

I feel this strange compulsion to write something on my little blog, however, I am not very inspired at the moment. If I had a kid, I could just snap a cute picture, give it a caption, and call it a day. Ha.
Anyway, I suppose that I could finish with a random, Spring Break '08 Wrap-Up....

Wednesday was quite uneventful. I went to Starbucks and read quite a bit of my book club book, Great Awakening by Jim Wallis. It is interesting...not sure I agree with some of it. However, it does raise important questions that I had not really thought of before regarding Christians and social justice. I will give a full review when I've finished it. The rest of the day was pretty chill and I hung out with my work friends Amber and Dawn and watched them choreograph a dance for cheerleading camp. Fun.

Thursday was another low-key day, though quite productive. My phone just decided to stop working on Wednesday night so I went up to Cingular to see what could be done. The guy told me I was eligible for an upgrade on April 8 but figured out a way to get me a new phone now. So, I have a new phone and it's pretty fun. But, I suppose I am still behind the times because everyone is moving in the PDA direction. It is just not something I am ready for. I really have this fear of technology and how everyone will one day just hide in their houses and there will be no more face-to-face contact. Ever.
After the phone, I treated myself to a pedicure. It is my personal conviction that everyone should start flip-flop season with a pedicure.
Perhaps the most proud moment of the break came yesterday afternoon when I decided to tackle a project. I assembled this:

This will go in Claire and Corrie's bathroom to hopefully give them a little more storage space. It looks harmless enough but I assure you, it was quite a job. There were all sorts of little pieces of plywood and hardwood that I had never heard of. Have you ever heard of a cam lock or a cam bolt? I hadn't. But, I took out my little electric screwdriver and went to town. It took over 2 hours but I am so proud of the finished product. There is something satisfying about being able to do some of these little jobs around the house. As a single homeowner, it is nice to know that I am capable of some things. Of course, it is nice to have my Dad just 10 minutes away (:

Matthew is coming in this weekend and I'm excited to see him. I haven't seen the kid since Christmas and that has just been too long.

Happy Easter everyone and rejoice because HE IS RISEN!!!

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