Monday, March 31, 2008

word of the day: MORTIFYING

For the last couple of days, I've had all of these ideas about blogs I wanted to start. Maybe share a few things that the Lord has been teaching me, talk about my weekend, etc. But alas. Today I caved and signed up for Facebook. Yes, I felt the pressure to stay in touch with my oh-so-techno-savvy friends. So I filled out the information. I even asked a couple of people to be my friends. Well, whaddya know but a couple of minutes later, Paul, comes up on my Gchat to tell me that I joined Facebook. I thought to myself, "How in the world did he know". Sorry Paul, but you weren't one of the people I invited....I was getting around to you, don't worry (:
I then connected all of the dots and realized that it had said something when I signed up about my Gmail address book and importing that but I thought that if I hit "skip", it would just ignore that step. Apparently, everyone that I've ever emailed or been on an email with was sent a notification that I'm now on Facebook. I am mortified!!! I have never been one to want the attention on myself--at all. So, if you are reading this then I am sorry. It was an accident and I am not presumptious enough to think that anyone truly cares to be alerted when Stephanie Shuler signs up for something.


Andrea said...

I didn't get the email but I'm glad you're on Facebook! :-)

Claire Walker said...

HAHAHA!!! It's about time you get on Facebook, and I'm so happy that you got such a great welcome!!!