I am really motivated right now to de-clutter every area of my life. So, I am making some changes and please feel free to ask me how the process is going at any time to hold me accountable. I will need it (: So...I am making some specific goals and breaking them into categories.
Here are my financial goals:
I have always been pretty good with money. Perhaps that is because I grew up with a banker/CPA dad who led by example on how to save and be wise with finances. Lately, I feel like I've kind of been nickel-and-dime-ing a little too much. Those little purchases add up. I want to be fully aware of where my money is going and exactly how much I'm spending each week.
**No more new clothes purchases for the next 2 months. I will mix and match what I already
have and use some creativity with accessories.
**Eat at home except for maybe one meal out per week. I have been getting in a bad habit of
grabbing something at the last minute for dinner. A little forethought will keep this from
happening...like remembering to thaw out some chicken before I leave for work.
**Cash budget. Each week I'll get out a certain amount of money and once that is gone, it's
gone and I'm done spending.
**Use what I have already have. I have a TON of Bath and Body lotions, bath gels, sprays,
etc. I also have a lot of makeup that I need to use up (with the exception of my Bare
Escentuals--I have to replace that!). But, each Christmas my om buys me this little makeup
kit thing from Ulta with so many little eyeshadows and such. I could use these for probably
2 years without having to buy new makeup.
Personal Growth Goals**Workout at least 5 days a week
**Eat healthy 80% of the time but allow for a few guilt-free splurges
**Train for another half-marathon and
maybe shoot to do another full
**Spend less time on the computer or watching tv
**Get better at sewing
**keep a personal journal
**Write more handwritten letters
**Stay organized and know where everything is at all times
**Have more consistent quiet times
**Become more assertive and not care what other people think of me
**Get married (haha)
That's all I can think of now...I hope to look back on this in a year and see that I followed through on some of these things. I guess the title of "simplify" only really applies to the financial goals, but my hope is that I will slow down and take time to enjoy the people and things that are already around me.