Thursday, January 22, 2009

no picture yet....

...but I finished my first sewing project: an apron!!!!
Yes, it's true! I really made an apron on my little sewing machine. My mom spent most of last Friday with me and we played around and I watched her make a practice one. It was a fun time with her, but I was a little discouraged and thought that I could never do it. Well, I tried it on Monday and I guess the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. helped me along. I am kidding about MLK, but it did turn out better than I had hoped it would. It has mistakes, I'm sure. However, I am hoping that Melissa (the recipient of the apron) will not inspect it too closely (:
Anyway, we took some pictures last night of Melissa modeling her apron so I'll gladly share those as soon as I get them. I am loving to (ha) let me know if you'd like to get on the apron list since that's pretty much all I can do right now!


Claire Elise said...

Steph! I am so proud of you! I have started sewing myself. I made all of my bridesmaids a bag for their gift and I also made my sister-in-law a really cute robe! (Let me know if you want the pattern--you'll love it!)

Love and miss you :)

melissaj said...

Steph, I LOVE my apron!!!! I emailed you pics so you can post them on your blog! I also have a proposition for you...let's chat! Thanks again for the amazing gift!